Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Second 1/2 of Peanut's Day

......later, I had French and VF.

French was fun as normal. we have to new exchange students staying with us in French class. Both of them from Canada. Butter will be so excited to hear this. But hearing how many years they have learn French made me and my french mates feel dumb. One of them had learn 10 years of French now. They left the French room a few minutes after we started because they think our class is a bulge and the topic we're learning is too easy. Well, it's not our fault, that our standards are so low so UHHHH..... Not only French they were good at, the topics in other subjects we are doing, they did it all last year. Both of them are havin a holiday here!

VF was boring. We r doing ethics and I'm pair up with on of the twins for a task. We are not watchin "Matrix". Can't remember what movie we're watching.

After school, i don't have to catch the bus! Wuhu! cause dad came to school to hand in my old laptop to IT to get it fix. I hate the bus! Glad i didn't have to catch it today!

Later, i when home, took my bath....i meant shower and then when to our family friend's house for dinner. Their townhouse in the city is really cool. Actually, it's his son's and his mates who lived there. They rented it. But his parents came here for holiday so might as well stay there. The food was yummy....CURRY CHICKEN! We sat there for 3 hours watching the recorded video of their another son's wedding day. I nearly felt asleep...LOL

Hey, Butter. It was hot today.....did you melt and dissolve? Haha....not funny again. What's with me and my lame jokes. Anyway, back to 2morrow for more Peanut's day!

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