Monday, February 9, 2009

Aftermath of the bushfires.

Now, i'm in the library, it's quiet than normal. Ms B is talking to some kid abou the fires and not to be so sad about it. The bushfires struck our school neighbourhood so badly taht even me who didn't got infected started crying when i got to school. My tears just couldn't hold back.

This morning on the school bus, the radio kept saying on the news of the bushfires. The death toll is rising higher and higher. When we were a halfway of our bus trip, a girl came on the bus and started crying. My heart started beating so fast. I couldn't hear why se was crying but i knew it was something about the fires. Half the people on the bus wasn't there and it was quieter as normal.

When we got to school, "L" came running from behind. I stop and walk with her to the lockers. She told me that someone died in the fire from our school....He and his family, only her sister was alive. I can't confirm if this is true, we have to wait for the police reports to come out. At that moment i was like....shit. Why did this happen....even though i'm not friends with him, he is still once in my memory. He was there one second and now he is gone.....forever. He played cat in the hat at our musical and he has the talent but why do you have to take him away????

Some other students and teachers lost their house and livestock. It's just so depressing at school now. "G.R", one of my friends is now in England for exchange but her house and her beloved horses burnt down in th fire. Her family is safe but she will be devastated to hear about it.

We had an assembly about what is happening which made me even more depreess. Some students and including teachers couldn't stop crying about what had just happened. Our principle is setting up a donation bucket so that we can donate and he expects to get 3 grands at the end of the week. Now everyone, by donating we can really make a difference. No matter where you are, please help, even though it's words of conforts or warm clothes, anything will help make the people here feel for happy. Please help them.

Braclet, this is some of the news i know:
"B.M", "T.S", "E.C", "E.M" and some others nearly got their house burnt down.
"G.R" and "Beauty" (not sure) got their house down.
"S.o'G" died (still missing though, rumours).

Talk to me through e-mail if you want to know who the names are....

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