Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Another 1/2 a Day for Me......

It's lunchtime now.....someone is sitting next to me. This is top secret so i have to be .......really careful.

Anywayz, we have careers session at pastoral. It was so.........soooo.......boring. But it is for our own good. The computer when crazy for a sec so Mrs "H" the careers teacher have to fix it. *we were watching a PPP" After she fixed it, she continued talking and started walking across the front when she trip on someone's foot and made this funny tried-to-blance move. Of-course everyone laugh! Pharmacist will be my career when i grow up. Butter wants to be a neurologic surgeon....OOOHHHH. LOL! Hope i spelled that right!

I still have two more subjects to go. French and VF. French is alright but VF....OMG (Lol, do you get it? OMG?) ok back to the subject. It is boring.We got a new teacher. I miss "Trousie." He was a good tecacher. He like me and Butter and "Elmo" (my other friend) The new teacher is called Mr Smith. Lol. He and her wife can go film "Mr and Mrs Smith" Lol. Everybody was talking about it. We are watching "The Matrix" soon in VF. Didn't get to watch it in the movies because i was underage at tht time.

Ten more minutes and end of lunch. I'll like to grab this oppurtunity to wish my best friend, BUTTER a happy birthday. I love you forever, my bestest friend! Oh, um about this saturday and sunday can we change it maybe to next week cause i have 3 assignment and a resume due next monday. I'm sorry. E-mail me or txt me to talk about it.

Have fun jetskiing tonight, Butter. Careful not to slip of, you know you're slippery. Jokes! Ok. That wasn't funny. Oh well.....i'm so bored!

Ta Ta 4 now folks, later at night the other half of my day will be posted. Stay tuned!

BY Pearly

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