Sunday, February 22, 2009

Let's Party!!!!

Well Braclet! I did make it to the party....well not the party but i when to the hotel to sleepover! it was a cool night! Thanks for that!

Yesterday, i got to the hotel at around 11:30 and Braclet came down and take me to our room. I didn't want to go to the party because i don't even know anyone from the party and there were 60 of them.(there were meant to be 80!) It was Braclet brother's 18 birthday. It wasn't like a fancy pool party style, Braclet said it was just in a function room. We when up to the 5th floor and we when into the room 506(i think! ^^) I then Braclet told me what is where and off she when back to the party. Before she said that the party ends at 12:00 but she came back like around 1:30. Lol ^^ i was so tired that i nearly slept but she told me not to sleep before she comes back. So, i freshen up and she came back.

We sit on the bed and talk about school and life. Braclet glup down a packet of Salt and Vinegar chips with a few sips of diet coke from the bottle. I don't eat at night plus I brushed my teeth already! After we got bored of talking we started playing "Spit" with the cards Braclet brought from Hollywood! Actually i was the one winning and when i didn't have any cards to turn over she gives me another stack. I'm like WTH! and she's like....I's giving you cards! And then later she won......screw you! LOL! Jokes....I won't want to do that....eww.

Then we changed to play "Snap"! We played a few games and we though of the idea of recording the game. It was so funny watching the playback. We could only see our hands slamming the cards on the table and sliding off away when we got the whole stack (Braclet, you get what I meant! *^)

Later, we took photo together. I haven't done that for so long. Braclet put on her new glasses and her hair was tied back, she looked like a librarian! She really did! I wear glasses too but i don't think i have a libarian look, Braclet! Hahahahahahaha..........Then we watch a little bit of Spongebob on tele.... I like Spongebob but the weird thing about the show is it doesn't have any logice. How can you cry, drive, rain, write......underwater. It just doesn't make sense. I know it's a cartoon for small children but when you grow up you will slowly notice it's a show that is use to make children laugh!

Braclet said she was tired and we agree to go to bed. We listen to our own Ipod and Braclet later wanted to listen to "Fabulous". So i gave her my Ipod and she started was quite terrible! Jokes! She'll kill me if i say that! Anywayz....she felt asleep later. I couldn't sleep until 4:00 (we when to bed around 2:30) and i moved my pillows to the sofa because i'm used to sleep with my own. Can't sleep hen someone is next to me who snores and talk in her dreams! (that was Braclet!)

In the morning, Braclet wanted to go her so call "swimming" (which she didn't even swim a lap!). There were this two girls. Both of them wearing bikinis. One was alright but the other one...i don't think she was even wearing swimwear. She was like wearing undies because it was see-through (i was disgusting!) me and Braclet just turn our heads away from them.

At 10:00, we had breakfast at the "Chill Bar" at ground floor. It was buffet stlye. YUM! I had Cocco-pops+RiceBubbles in skim milk, two pice of toast, scramble eggs, bacob, baked beans and a glass of orange juice! I was SOOO full. Then at 10:30 i left the hotel with a hug from Braclet.

Ahhh...this day will be save in my memory bank. Eventhough it doesn't sound that fun, it is still time we share together. Luv ya!

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