Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Metaphor...We are going down the hill!

Woah, Braclet you're rocking on your post there. Catching up on ^^

Anyway, mum told me this metaphor. Well, sort of a metaphor. Monday is the day where we are going up the hill....really slowly. Which means Monday is the slowest day of the week. Then on Tuesday, it's half way up the hill. Reaching to the top on Wednesday.....and after Wednesday time past so quickly because we go down the hill with turbo speed and we go back up the hill again on Monday......Life, ups and downs....^^

I'm now doing French. Have a test tomorrow and i think i'm going to fail. Oh well, i choose the subject! I have listening, writting and reading test tomoz and oral test on Monday. On monday, there is also a maths test and my legal assignment is due. Eventhough we have like 3 weeks of time to do the assignment i have done 3/10. I know.....i know....but i love to put things at the last minute. You can't change a personality! Maybe you can.....

Work experience.....I think i'm going to go to a pharmacist or something to work because that relates to the occupation that i want ot be when i grow up. But i'm the kind of girl that don't quite talk much and i don't know if i can cope.

Been hanging out lately with the "Gang". But sometimes they will just leave me and treat me as invisible. I try to help them and ask them questions to let them know that i'm there. It sometimes work and sometimes they just can't hear my quiet voice........yeah

I've got to go revise my french test now.....bye!


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