Friday, February 20, 2009

Bad Luck.... :(

Today, when i woke up i sense that today is not going to be a good day. When I was still sleeping i was dreaming that i don't have to go to Saturday sport and i thought today was Saturday and when i woke up it was freakin friday.....LOL^^ (freaky friday!) and i have to get up. I got up and go brush my teeth and my hair and my face were in mess. The hair i can easily deal with that cause i do it every morning but my face. There were so many pimples on it that i have red spots everywhere. I was totally freakin out. I can't go out like this....well i can and i did but at that time i was like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! i tried to cover it up but it got worst. *^.

Then when i got to school after form group, i have to go to my locker fast because i want to get my books first or else or the boys will come zooming into their lockers and i have to wait for so long. * I now regret that i choose that locker. I'm like surrounded my guys! AHHHH!!!! don't like that! But i do like my locker! * and i got there first! when i was getting my books, "tall boy" who has the locker below me was grabbing his laptop from the top of the lockers. While he was getting his laptop, it caught onto someone's bag and he was like "HEADS!" and i flinch and block my face with my hands...or maybe i didn't even do that and the bag.....SLOWLY felt and hit my head. It hurts! OUCH!

Then we have English which was a bulge. I don't get what to write in my essay and we had MATHS....Ugh....not good i tell u. I'm having a math's test on Tuesday and we don't get a cheat sheet and i'm going to fail!!! I don't get half of what we're doing. I can do it when looking at the rules (cheat sheet) but i can't memorise all of it! At lunchtime, i when to the SPECIAL MATHS TUTORING class. There was Eilish, Caitie and this new kid that came this year, which is also named Caitie.

Before lunch we had PE. I was looking forward for that because Miss A told us we were playing volleyball. But when we got there she said we were playing touch rugby! Screw her! LOL ^^ *being really rude here* but hey! We always do boy sport in PE and we don't do netball or tennis. We girls can do sport too! Sport doesn't only mean boys! Then we started playing. It was going well until I "participate" to hard and another new kid that came this year Chris when barging into me and nearly knock me down. Well, not as bad as he barged into Courtney. She felt down twice!

Then, I was invisible again today! I don't get why, i try so hard and they just don't want to talk to me.... LOL^^ Ok, i'm not sad and all but i just don't freakin get it! When can i find a new, best friend. I'm not saying you are not my best friend, Braclet but i want one that is at school. Everytime i see Jemima's gang hugging and laughing together, i just feel jealous. I was once like that but's gone.......Everytime i look at their computer screen, it will always be the picture of them, smilling at me. My wallpaper is just a plain background from photobucket. Screw that! I just wish someone will just come up, say hi and become best friends! That happen to me, Braclet and Elmo. It really did. Best friends at first sight! Oh is just too hard for me! Cheer up and be happy!

...........I thought i have good news but i don't. I have more bad news. I got this lecture from mum about how i take care of my face and i have homework to do over the weekend. Legal assignment, Revise for french oral test and revise for maths test. Don't seem much but it contains much! Well better start going....not! I'll start 2moz. I need a rest too! LOL ^^

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