Thursday, February 19, 2009 the song in the moonlight

I'm guessing that's the lyrics to the song. Anyways.....Braclet wanted me to write a massive long post so she can enjoy reading it. So i thought of the idea of writting the memories we share....hope you guys enjoy it too... (it will maybe be in parts because we just shared too much memories! ^^)

Why not we start at year 7. Ahh....what a lovely year. For maybe the start of the year, my status is like present. Lonely, without friends. Always in the library. Later Braclet and Elmo came past the library and said hi to me. And Voila! we became friends. Not besties though. Just normal friends. I sometimes still go back to the library though. Lol. In year 7, all of the "normal" girls group together and all of the "popular" girls group with the "popular" boys. The "normal" boys just scattered around. We have this really big circle at lunchtime and we play games like "giant treasure" and "tiggy". Old days.

Later, in year 7 we when to the camp at Buxton (which is now gone because of the bushfires). We stayed in cabins and some in tents. Me and G.R stayed in the tent because we "insist". There were no room left in the cabin.... Midnight, it started pouring. And, obviously, water came leaking into our tent. So, we have to sleep in a wet tent in the cold. And Braclet and Elmo sleeps in the cabin....ooohh. joy!

Oh, how much i hated that camp. The toilets were full of millipedes that when you take a step they crunch under your feet. (i'm feeling ichy all over now). it was so disgusting. And you can literally see the nest outside th toilets near the pipes. They were like a bol of moving spaggeti. Let's skip this subject and move on.....eww....hate creepy crawlies!

We had fun times too. Every group has a chance to eat inside the recreation room at the camp. One night it was our turn. We had wraps and everyone sat around the table. They started telling jokes and we were cracking up so loudly. And also the girls and the boys cabin are just next to each other, both cabins muck around. One of the girls open the curtain and started doing a sort of stripping thing and the boys were like! And someone broke the cabin window which i guess might cause alot.

I remember we had this night navigation thing and everyone from my group wanted me to swear. Like the F word. Because none of them heard me swear before and all of them think that i don't swear which is.....not true. Someone spelled the F word and i say it in whole and everyone was like OMG! She said the F word! Ahhh..... LOL ^^

Of year 7 camp now.....let's talk about our year 7 teachers. Mr Whitechurch, our form room + wood tech teacher. His nice to us 3 but he just keep on babling about stuff so of topics that you won't even know what's he is going to say next. He was once talking about instruction on how to do the project he when off topic and talk about ping-pong balls up to ambulance....wEird! Mrs Marr, my favourite english teacher. I always get A from her and A+. But she doesn't work a the school anymore. * hey do you think we will get back our time capsule thingy? i hope so! Did Mr Mazsocatto taught us in year 7. Well i'll just mention him. We normally call hime Mr avocado privately. He teachers maths and he thinks we are grade 4's.

We were doing algebra and he was writting the questions on the board and one's us to answer it. here was the convo:
A: teacher E: student
A :Can anyone give me the answer?
E raises her hand
A: Yeah, E.....
E: x +.....
A: Yes the answer is (x+a)(x-a)
(he doesn't let people answer the questions even though he asked someone to answer it!)
A: Now, this is a lower-case "a" you can't write it as an upper-case "A" because it will be wrong
(he is so detail that i think he sees us as grade 4s!)

I think that was pretty much year 7....i guess. Long time ago, can't remember much. I need to do homwork now. I'm sorry Braclet if you think it's too short. I'll post year 8/year 9 and other memories that i can't categorise.....Bye!


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