Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I am happy! ^^

Soz Braclet. My phone was in my bag and it was on silence. I'm now on MSN and come on if you can. If not just keep reading this post.

Today, for once was not in the library by myself. Not at recess and even lunchtime. I dunno what happen to me today. I just have this...."energy" to talk and socialise (lol, same meaning there!) I walk up to them and talk to them. Weirdly, i did have fun today. At the start of lunchtime me, Jemima, Ellish, Heather and Grace (i can't be bother being suspicious and writting their names in representations.) were sitting under the tree near the bell tower and Kwak came pass and sat down with us. He is the most annoying kid but smart at the same time. He was bagging us about our hormones on how we can't control them. I know it's a freakin weird thing to talk about but that is what he likes to talk about. He says he can control his hormones and we were like grumpy little old people. He bagged everyone giving them names. And i was "the quiet one" OoOoo.....so what! I am the quiet one. At that moment i couldn't care anymore and told Jemima" he is now having a f**king mood swing" Jemima heard me swore and told everyone that i swore just then. Everyone just hi 5 me.

Braclet you should know that i swear everyday. LOL ^^. Anywayz then the rest of the group which includes the boys sat down with us. And Jemima told them i swore and they were like OMG, and more hi5. I feel loved, just because i swore! Lol, should have use this trick more often! Lol!

I'm now doing maths and french revision. I don't get any of maths and i'm going to fail this topic. I'm failing with you Braclet! Failing buddies....ok, that wasn't a good thing to say...Touchwood! * i literally touched my study table which is obviously made out of wood!) Year 10 is so hard....i don't like it. Are you doing work experience, Braclet? We can work at the same place, can we?

love xoxoxo

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