Friday, February 13, 2009

Making Friends....

Ever since Braclet and Elmo left the school. I've been trying so hard to make friends here. But i don't think none of them insist. But i also think it's my problem....LOL ^^. Anywayz....I've been trying to fit into "Jem"'s group. I'm fine when I'm in classes with them but they don't seem to like hanging out with me at lunchtimes or reccess. Especially "Rose". It feels like she doesn't like me or something. Eventhough i'm like standing alone and she is also standing there alone (because her other friends are at lunchtime activities) she won't come and talk to me. When i was about to walk to her she will just walk off on me. And sometimes she talks to me when her friends are around but when their friends are not here she just ignores me. I'm now always the last one out to be choosen to groups but sometimes it's easy because one person might be absent and i replace they spot!

I think it is better if you are a new student to than a old student to the school because it is really easy to make friends if you are new here. Everybody just comes towards you! If you want to make new friends as an old student, it is so hard! I tried to blend it, but i think i blended in too much that everyone thinks I'm invisible. Mostly in Science, I hate going 1st to that class. Even though I got a whole roll of chairs and table, nobody would insist to sit next to me until they couldn't find any place. I hate that. Sometimes they don't sit there and maybe a few boys will sit at one end and i'm alone at the other end.

Is it just me thinking too much or is the problem on me? Maybe i smell bad or have bad bread....Yeah......Braclet, you should know that i don't have good social skills but what can i do. This is my personality. But if you know me well, I do talk alot! ^^ No big deal....cheer up! It's just 1 and a half hour of torture. This is the first time that i wish i'm at classes!

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