Monday, February 9, 2009

Fustrated....once again

The latest death toll, which was released at 6am (AEDT), surpasses the toll from the 1983 Ash Wednesday bushfires, in which 75 people died in Victoria and South Australia, and the Black Friday bushfires of 1939, which killed 71.

The arson should be given a death penalty. I mean, you know that the weather is dry and humid, why the hell did you light a fire and start a bushfire that now killed so many lives. What are they thinking in those minds they have!!! Stupid people, you just cause a mass murder. It' not funny to play with fire especialy under these weather conditions.

A siren just when past our school, it's either the fire brigade or the police. Hope everything is alright..

Mum told me something that i reckon maybe that was what cause the fire. Mum's friend told her that her brother works at CFA and they delibratly light up fires in the bushes, so that they could show their bavery while rescuing people out of the fire. I don't know if this is true or not but i could be a possibility of this time's fire. A few months ago, the polive caught a guy who works at CFA, ligthed a fire. They found his fingerprints. I thought they were proffessionals but i guess was wrong.....

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