Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Values with no faith!

My values and faith teacher is the worst teacher you can get. He is a new teacher at the school. Our old teacher left...and i miss him. He was a good teacher. He gave me A+'s but not the new one. He gave me a C on my report! He just came this term so he doesn't have anything to mark us on but you can't give every student a C because you can't mark us with anything! At lease B. A C will effect our enters for the DUX award! If you don't want to give Bs then put ungraded. I will be much happy because really....we don't have work to be graded on so ungraded is fair. Not C! Urgh.....

Then we did the genetic engineering project and i got a B+ for it. That is alright but did you know what comments he wrote. He wrote after question 3 "Excellent until here." WTH! Eventhough i do bad on question 4 you can't write that! That is so.....rude! And on of my friends, got a C for it. and he wrote C, circle the letter and wrote a just after it. Do you know how rude is that. And there were other comments like "I don't think so from the information i know." Who cares about your opinion! My friend did like stacks of research on the task and he told her that "Laura, you lack organisation and research, next time be more aware....Blah Blah Blah" He marks it base on his opinion and he wants us to write on OUR opinion. Simmone wrote that an embryo is human being and he wrote at the bottom embryo is not a human life. It is asking for our personal opinion. PERSONAL!!!!!

Courtney's parents are wanting to talk to him at parent teacher's night! Emma too! I'm mean it's not fair. He doesn't know what he is teaching. We sometimes ask questions and he doesn't know the answer to it and just give a answer to put us off. We call him Voldermort because he does like Voldermort. I don't know.....the teacher's this year are so.....bad. Well, basically Maths and VF. The rest is alright. Ugh....we have maths tomorrow....and piano. Tiring....can't wait for the holidays....but i have to study for my mid-year exam which is maybe 5 weeks after the holidays. *GASP*

I have a French test next week....uh, i have test and i thought i was done for the term. This should be my last test....i'm pretty sure...LOL! ^^ I'm going on to "Eclipse" now on the "Twilight" series...going slowly.....

Love Peanut,

P.S: My results for my report
English: A
Legal: A+
Science: A
Maths: B
V and F: C

It's alright but i could have go an A in V and F and Maths....reason, bad teacher!

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