Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Done for the day.

....I'm back! I've just finish my French oral script and i am done for the day...well i still have to do english and legal but that can wait....right? Lol ^^ Ok back to where i left off...

There is going to be less people in Yr 10 this few days because of the Debt on Friday night. Some won't come to school on Friday because they need to do their make up, their hair, their dress. I will be in library on Friday...confirm cause all people from the gang are going to the debt. I'm left out. Some will come and leave at lunchtime so at lease i have someone to hang out with for a few hours. They are taking a limo to the Debt which is in Brunswick. Here is a list of some of the couples i know that are doing the debt (dancing):

Erin and Ben
Arron and Emma
Mark and Ellie
Mitch and Tori
Caitie and Alex (not too sure about that!)

There's more but i don't know who thier partner is:
Emma (exchange student)

Yeah! That is pretty much it and the others are going as guest. Maximum 12 on a table. I tcost $82 for each person. Expensive ass! But it includes dinner and drinks. I heard that the people are dancing have to be lead by their parents down a stairway. It sounds like those really formal dances you see on telly. They have 3 or 4 dances they have to do. I heard them describe their dresses and i was like...Wow!...Awww!....Cool! Yeah, need to give sound enthusiasm into it even though i'm not going! Then they have the afterparty. I heard they were going to Caitie's(not the twin Caitie) place but they won't stay long(an hour) because there might be "unwanted objects" at her place. *ahem drugs, alcohol ahem* LOL! and they are going to Arron's later. But some are just going to stay at Caitie's because the debt ends at like 12:00 and they are going home at 2 so might as well stay there. Some are having their own party. LOL ^^.

Love Peanut,

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