Friday, March 20, 2009

Debutante night

Tonight is the night of the debutante. Only 20 students attended school in year 10. I ask mum to let me stay home but they don't want me to because she said that I took 5 days of school last time and she doesn't want me to skip school now. It was just freakin 3 days. 2 days were because of the bush fires warning and the other was house swimmin sport. I can't swim so why bother go plus my relatives were over at our place for holiday so why not take the day of. Today, there won't be any teaching, mostly doing private study so why the use come to school when you can do private study at home and sleep in! Grrr........ As you can see i'm typing my blog in Legal! Ha!

Everyone at school were asking me if I'm going to the debutante tonight. Ok, to tell you the truth, I really wanted to go but something inside me told me....not to. LOL ^^. It's just this feeling when i think about it that makes me shudders. I won't have any close friends to talk to and I'm pretty sure I won't go to the afterparty if i attended the debt plus it cost heaps. So....yeah. But I really want to dress up and look good. ^^ Oh well, it's better staying home and huddle under the covers. I also need to finish my homework. After next the English oral i will be free from homework. 2 more weeks and holiday here I come!

Homework List:
Legal essay (Due Mon 23)
French research (Due Mon 23)
English oral speech (Due Tues 24)
Science test revision (Due Tues 24)

There we go. Homework over the weekend. After Tuesday I'm done! Yay! No more long assignments til the holidays. Just suffer this weekend and two days of next week...YAY! ^^

I figure out some of the pairs:
Kim and James
Nymie(or Alex?) and Max
Emma (exchange student) and a kid from outside school name Josh.

I really could have asked Braclet to come with me to the debt and we will have fun dancing all night long. That will be so cool! She agree to come with me to the musical! Yay! On the Saturday night too! We were planning to go out in the day and go to the theater at night. Hope there is not much homework over that weekend.... It's going to be a maximum of 33 degrees Celsius on Saturday. Glad i'm staying at home. I'll eat ice-cream all day long. I scream you scream we scream for ice-cream!!!

Love Peanut

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