Monday, March 9, 2009

Only Ten Meaningful Quotes.....

My friend send me an e-mail and the title was only ten meaningful quote. I thought the quotes had a very deep meaning and i hope you guys will take time to think over it. The e-mail is written in Chinese so I have to translate it for you guys....I'll post the Chinese version here too...if there are people out there who prefer to read in Chinese ^^.... ha ha
  • 1st Quote
If there is a 1000 steps between us
you just have to take 1 step
And I will walk the other 999 steps towards you.
  • 2nd Quote
Normally does who stay behind and argue with you....
are the people that truly love you.
  • 3nd Quote
Giving away your sincerity, in return will get someones sincere
but you may also get hurt thoroughly
Keeping a distance, will protect yourself
but will also be destined to be lonely forever.
  • 4th Quote

Sometimes, its not that the other person doesn't care about you it is because you see the person as someone who is over important.

  • 5th Quote
A friend is someone who had seen through you and still loves you.
  • 6th Quote
Even though it's believe, lies are hidden in the middle.
  • 7th Quote
A true friend,
Doesn't mean that there are endless topics when together
It means,
when together, even though we don't talk
we won't ever feel awkward.
  • 8th Quote
There is never a 100% partner
Only two 50% person together
  • 9th Quote
Someone because of your sadness and feel happy is your enemy
Someone because of your happiness and feel happy is your friend
Someone because of you sadness and feel sad
is someone you should put in your heart
  • 10th Quote
Coolness doesn't always meant heartless
it is only a weapon to stop someone getting hurt.

OMG! those translations i just did were shit! They completely spoil the true meaning! I hope you guys can still understand what I'm trying to bring across. Some are not that bad but some....doen't even flow fluently and doesn't make much sense. LOL ^^ Oh well i tried and this is what i produced! Translating is so hard because you can't find the right words you want to use to express the feeling of the sentence. It took me so long to think of the words I should use. Hope you guys can take some time and read it. It's more meaningful in Chinese though..... If anyone gets to learn Chinese in the near future come back and read the real version. I'll bet you'll have a different look towards it.....well not saying my translation are that bad! Anyways, here is the Chinese version!
  • 第一句

  • 第二句  

  • 第三句  
保持距离 就能保护自己  

  • 第四句  
有时候 不是对方不在乎你  

  • 第五句  
朋友就是把你看透了 还能喜欢你的人  
  • 第六句  
就算是believe 中间也藏了一个lie  

  • 第七句  
而是在一起 就算不说话  

  • 第八句  

  • 第九句  
为你的难过而快乐的 是敌人  
为你的快乐而快乐的 是朋友  
就是那些 该放进心里的人 
  • 第十句  
冷漠 有时候并不是无情  

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