Wednesday, March 18, 2009

".....As If I never Existed."- New Moon, Edward Cullen

As if i've never existed. Today is those days when I am fully invisible. I found out why these days happen. Mostly it's when they play basketball or four squares or anything except sitting down in a bunch and just talking. I always feel "safe" when i just sit there and here their conversation. I was like an idiot walking around the school for who knows how many laps. I hate it when there is no choir or musical rehearsals on because most of the people will be there at lunchtime and they will mostly play ball games and stuff. I just want to tag along and listen on what's going on around school. Ok, i admit i like to gossip and retrieve information from the gang but it's just for you Braclet....for your information~! I'm pushing it onto you! LOL ^^

I'm in the library once again. I hope Grace will come back to school soon but i guess not because her house got burned down in the bush fires. She is the only one that I can talk to and....don't feel that awkward. I sometimes feel that everything is spinning around me but i'm just there.....stationary and not moving. Everything passing by so fast that they don't ever notice me. I'm sick of it and i guess you're sick of hearing this. I hate to write about it but....i don't have much to write.

I'll talk about yesterday then. I had a cramp on my left leg yesterday when i woke up. It hurts like hell. I can still feel a little pain there. Don't know whta caused it but it really HURT! ^^ And i finally finish downloading the twilight movie and I don't have to go buy the DVD!!! It was alright....the movie. But the storyline was so different from the book. It skipped so much information and some scenes or quotes were meant for later but it came before. If you haven't read the book it will be so hard to understand the film. Just my opinion though. Erin, Rhi, Janae and Grace were talking about the Twilight series and I was like (thought) stop talking about it! I haven't finish it yet! Lol ^^. They were like criticising the characters and stuff and i was like shut up! shut up! shut up! ^^ and by the bell!!! New Moon will be out in November.....hope it comes out on my birthday and i have an excuse to ask Braclet to go with me to watch it! ^^

I'm so stress about the orals i need to do. French and English! French it tomorrow and i still haven't prepare yet! *gasp* i know....i'm lazy! I watch Twilight instead yesterday. I need to do it tonight then....for real! I'm so lost in lost. Calm down, i'm not going to kill myself because i love myself! I just hate school which makes me feel lost! ^^ School....ewwww. 10 more minutes till class starts. I have French next, joy!

There is going to be less people in Yr 10 this few days because of the Debt on Friday night. Some won't come to school on Friday because.....

GTG Bell just rang!! Bye! Continue tonight!

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