Sunday, March 15, 2009


I'm officially so PUMP for my maths test on Monday! I get a cheat sheet and calculater and i am ready for it. I did all this questions on different topic in Measurement and i get and understand all of them! I'm happy! Wish me luck! you want to come watch the Plenty musical with me. I have to book the tickets in order to get good seats. I just want you to come with me and not with your whole family. LOL ^^ you couldn't come join me and Ellie last year because you were going with your family on the Thrusday night show. Reply me or text me!

Last night or should i say morning (1.00a.m) i was watching soccer with my dad. Man United vs Liverpool and i was devastated. The game started at 12.00 but i came down at 1.00 where half time just started and it was Man United 1 Liverpool 2. That game was a vicious one! Liverpool had a very strong defence and one of the Man United players got a Red card. Which cause a free kick and eventually....a goal. The end score was 3-1 . I when to bed when Liverpool got the thrid goal because...i knew who is going to win and it is not my favourite team (man united) ! Oh well! Try again next time!

I was also very fustrated last night. I've been dowloading the Twilight movie since 1 in the afternoon yesterday and it took about 6 hours. Around 7, the download finish and i open it....guess what... It had an error or something and the file can't be open! I was so fustrated that i nearly screw up my laptop! Argh....I just can't wait for the DVD to come out so i downloaded the movie from another server which i'm pretty sure it will work this time because i've download tons of shows from that server. But the only bad thing about doing that is it takes unlimmited time because you need to find sources. A bit the same as limewire but takes a lot more LONGER because it's a movie file which is big! Series/Software/Music/MV download is also available! I feel like i'm helping them advetised! LOL! ^^

I've gtg do my V&F homework now which i think i'll get sidetrack every second. LOL!

Love Peanut

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