Tuesday, March 3, 2009

:Lucky eh?!

I just finish putting all the bed sheets into 5 mattress and all pillowcases in 8 pillows. it was freakin tiring! The bedsheets doesn't fit properly into the beds which makes me even more fustrated. because i want it to be all perfect! My nails hurt so much now! Anywayz back to the topic!

I don't know, but i think somthings that i think, say or dream about will sort of come true. If i was thinking about a song while listening to my ipod, the next song will be it. Last night, i dreamt that it was going to rain and put out the bushfires that were coming to our place. When i woke up this morning, there was no bushfires but there was raining, well drizzle of rain. I was like....WOAH!

Yesterday evening, i was watching my favourite team playing soccer. They have to kick the penalties because extra time were over. So i started jumping around getting all nervous and stuff. Then my fav team score the first goal! I was like YAY!! and then it was the rival team to kick. I was like "BLOCK IT! DON"T LET IT IN!" and after the player kicked it, the goalkeeper really block the ball. And my team won. Isn't that weird! ^^

Then at school yesterday i heard people not going to school today because of the dry conditions. I was like....hmmmm i hope i can get a day off too! and then at last period a notice said that if a day off is required then you can have one. Well, it actually said that Prep to Yr 8 can get a day off and y9 to yr12 have classes as normal. But still i wanted a day off and started naging and annoy my mum to let me have a day off! Well the weather conditions here is a fire threat zone so....YEAH! ^^ Well i just hope everyone is safe 2day and nothing worst will happen.

And also, one last thing about my luck. When i dreamt about something and i look up the meaning of it in the . The meaning of what is going on with my life really did come true. Not telling what came true but it did before and after the dream. Well i can't say that is luck because some of them are not really nice but still it's like WOAH! ^^ i use that word alot!

Oh, we played basketball at PE yesterday. Boys and girls combine team and i score a point. Well it's good enough. We girls scored more boys than boys. bleh! ^^ Eveyone started asking me, Oh do you play basketball? I was like...only at school. Don't get too over of yourself! LOL!

Braclet, i have to go out for lunch now and get something that we still need for my relatives. Txt me if you can! Oh, can you send or upload the photos we took at the hotel room. I really want them so i can put on my desktop wallpaper. Please!!!! You know i love you....ok, in a friends way! Tell me when you upload/send it! Bye!


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