Friday, March 13, 2009

Happy for once! ^^

Today, at school i think i talked the most since my friends left! I feel happy now. I feel loved. I, wanted to socialise today, which was quite weird!! hahaha I talked to so many people! Even though they are just small random talks I still feel happy. It's amazing what a small thing can make me feel happy!

So much happen at school today. I'll start at the beginning of the day. 1st period, we look at our timetable and it said English so we when to the classroom (which was in the library) and we sat on the couches waiting for our teacher. I was listening to the Caitie, Laura, Jemima, Courtney talking about last night's debating they attended. Laura was late for the debate like 5 minutes and the debate teacher/ our english teacher started screaming at everyone being on time and not doing this and that. I don't think it's fair, some of them came right from school and haven't had dinner yet and some have rehersals before the debate and the teacher was holding a bottle of coke and fish and chips while shouting at them.....Courtney's dad nearly wantes to call and talk to the teacher...Nearly! Her mood can change so quickly.....maybe she's going through.....yeah...i didn't say anything!!!!! ^^

And then the libarian let us into the classroom to wait for our teacher instead. So we sat down and some people got out their laptops and started doing "work". We waited for nearly half a period and still no teacher. Mr.F then walks into the door, everyone was like....No!!!! because we though he was a sub but then he said that 1st and 3rd period have swaped over since the start of term. We were in the wrong class and i we were meant to have maths/science. Since when did they change the timetable? Someone could have come and tell us! We thought we could skip through English....but BAD LUCK!

Nothing happen much in Science. Glad we didn't have to watch that movie again! Then we have recess. Not mucht there too and we had Legal......boring again! The teacher couldn't work the Powerpoint so we have to do questions! Later we had Maths, draining ass! We have to do revision questions for the test that is on Monday. We get a cheat sheet and to use our calculater because it's on measurements. I do hope i will get a good mark!

Lunch! I was feeling quite social at that time. We sat at the red table and 3 person shared on each side of the table, facing each other. Me, Emma and Ben sat on 1 side and Mitch Courtney and Alex sat on the other. I didn't talk much but it was still better than last time. Then some of the "popular" kids walk pass holding this "weapon" they made for Jarrod, a kid who most people deteste......He's alright if you don't go bagging him but because one of my friends that left the school didn't like his so much....i have to do that so.Anyways, we when around looking for him and he was quite good hiding himself. We say he is everywhere because of his wideness....well Braclet made that up not me....i'm just used of saying it, to make her laugh ^^ LOL! We when to the basketball courts to look for him and our group eventually started playing basketball. It was so funny...boys vs girls and there were 2 boys versing 8 girls. ^^ Later more people joined in so i backed out a bit and sat down in the shade. Quite hot today!

Assembly today didn't make me happy. It was the Yr 12 honours. The school gives out prizes to the students who have high scores in VCE in certain subjects and general. I'm glad to see old faces even though they don't know me but when they read out the name of Stuart, i suddenly turned gloomy and when his brother and sister, the only O'gorman left in their family when to get the prize for his brother. His sister started crying and her brother beside her hug her. I really wanted to cry on the spot but i think people will ask me why and i'll get all embarass.....*sniff*

Ok, the best part of my day! PE! As some might know I am not a sport person. Don't like sport and can live without it.....or should i say better of without it in my live! Well, i want to stay healthy and i do some running and love basketball but i just don't like doing it at school. The teacher wasn't here today and we have a sub which is my Maths teacher. I heard before PE that we are playing tennis. I love tennis but i couldn't bother to playing in that hot weather out at the courts without and shade! So, i skip Pe saying i didn't bring my uniform. Me, Caitie, Laura and Micheal didn't participate. The other class was having PE too and Andrew and Duncan join us....sitting out. Mrs Swain (maths/sub teacher) said we can't move from our spot and can't use our laptop. We argue with her that all our homework is on our laptop but she told us to get her Maths hw to do. We are all in her advance class she knows what homework we have. So we go get our books and i talked to Micheal on the way and i meet up with Catie and Laura at the lockers. We when back and sat down in shade. We couldn't be bother, of course, doing homework but Mrs Swain false us to do it. Then she when into the tennis courts barefoot and start teaching students how to play tennis and she played a few games too. That was amusing to watch!

After PE, it was so funny. We were waiting for the bell to ring so we can go home. When the bell rang, we start walking to our lockers, suddenly Max, Nymie and Joel burst out from the bushes and started running for thier life. They didn't change back to their school uniform and you get in trouble if you don't. but it is end of school so they couldn't bother. They were running away from Mrs Kelly, other PE teacher for the other class. Joel was the last one to run and the easiest to spot because of his striking blond hair. And we could hear Mrs Kelly's voice calling his name. Joel run around the corner and someone turn back to see Mrs Kelly running for him. Then we quickly call out to Joel who was SLOWLY packing his bag from his locker to run and hide. With slow reactions, it got into his brains a few seconds and Mrs Kelly caught him and told him to change into his uniform. Max got caught to and Nymie ran away just in time. It was so funny! I know it doesn't sound like it but you should see Joel's faces it was freakin amusing.

Out of School now.

We when to Nando's for dinner. Yum! And we when to Big W to get the other two books of the "Twilight" series..."Eclipse" and "Breaking Dawn". I'm up to "New Moon" only and i love it all to bits! Edward and Bella! I have been saying that nearly in every post when i started reading "twilight" Lol ^^ Mum said it's a girl type book, seldom boys will read it because it's more on love stuff. A vampire and a normal human girl falls in love....Fantasy! I heard so many things about the money and i watch some of it and was a bit upset about it. It didn't really make it as what i thought it will be.....some good scenes were cut off and some emotions and important dialogue. Oh well, just hope that the new one is better than......

My relatives left this afternoon. Relieve and not relieve. Happy that i get my bathroom and house back to ourselves . Not relieve because t is so quite and dull. Well, mum told me dad agree to go back to Malaysia in the july holidays! Joy! I really want to go to Taiwan and i had an offer from my aunt to go end of year so we get the chance to watch the countdown concert but i'm going alone. I'm not that close with her and her daugther, so i push it. Next time then.....i hope there will be a next time!

I'm going to bed now. Harsh week and want to relax for a bit! Bye!

Love Peanut

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