Monday, March 16, 2009


My anger was fully boiling in Maths today. Yesterday I was saying that i was fully pump for the test and i will get a good mark but after receiving the test paper.....I was like WTH! The questions were not on measurement but on f**ckin trigonometry and Pythagoras' Theorem. I understand the Pythag bit but why are we doing trig in a measurement test?! Everybody syrted complaining and the teacher was just like "Shut up, i don't see any hands raise in the air so no talking is allow!" I was like screw that! And she said that this test will go for a 2 day period.....and you don't have to finish it! Something is wrong with her!!!!!!!
Ok, here's a theory. Famous artist in the entertaiment circle always have a bad image and influence to the society.
For example:
*Paris need to say what image she has!
*Linsay Lohan!.....another duplicate of Paris
*Britney Spears.....triplets!!!
*Zac Efron.....He is such a snoob! Eventhough he is hot and stuff...he is a freakin snoob. I read in the newspaper saying that he was at Sydney for the HSM3 preview. Zac and his co-stars in HSM was walking on the red carpet. All the fans were like screaming and wanting autographs and he didn't sign a single one. His manager or someone was behing him recieving the gifts that his fans was giving him. After the red carpet, Zac when into the place where the review was and walk out the backdoor. He was rushing to another function i think and guess what....he told his manager to leave the gifts at the backdoor. How can an artist just ditch their gifts from fans! It is just so mean to do that! And Braclet said she saw him at the basketball game. And everyone was screaming and wanting autographs but he didn't sign any only a girl in a wheelchair. At lease, he has some sense in him!
*Daniel Radcliffe: I hate to say this but he smokes and he is only 18! WTH!
*Robert Pattison: He smokes and takes Vallium! No wonder he looked so white in "Twilight" haha (sacarstic laugh)
Please don't feel offended because I adore some of them too but I just don't get why can't they keep a good image for the public. They know they are famous and they have a lot of fans but they don't set a good example. I know it is their life to do anything they want but you're an artist, a different level in the society. They should show good representation! They should! Well, I can't change anything....
Something sad happen at school.
Caitie and Alex broke up.
That is the sad bit, because they ere so cute together!!!! Aww.....Ok, here is the anger bit! Why did freakin Alex broke up with Caitie when the Debt is in...what....3 days! How can you ask Caitie to go to the Debt and dance with Alex? Why can't he do it way before the debt or after it....Caitie was so down today, she had a mental breakdown and cried at recess. I'm standing at your side Caitie!
Love Peanut,

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