Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Take a chance....

I'll take this chance to wish my cousin a happy birthday even though I know he won't be reading this but anyway. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 17 now! ^^ Hope you have a nice day and thanks for the time you're willing to spend on me. LOL! Hope you get your driving license soon and you love the pressie that mum and me brought!

Sometimes chances are so easy to get and sometimes you just have to wait for the right time, the right person and the right scenario. So basically chance=fate. Well....not quite but if fate arrives you probably get your chance! ^^

Today, i did my English oral and it wasn't that bad after all. It was my best speech since year 7 i reckon. I'm proud of myself.....really proud! Then we have the science test today. Can't say it's hard and can't say it's easy. I get some of it and i don't. LOL! yeah...sometimes test are just so.....indescribable. That is a good word! I think we won't have any big assignments or test anymore because 1 more week and holidays! YAY! I'm just going to slump at home and watch movies. That is my plan ^^.

The 2008 plenty campus musical is coming soon. The musical is "crazy for you" this year. Some of my friend who are in the production said that the musical is full of slutty stuff....LOL. That will be....interesting. I'm going with Braclet on the Saturday 2 May, the finale night! I didn't participate in the play this year or last year. I did the year before in 'Beauty and the Beast' , I was a plate! LOL! Yeah....but it was fun. I couldn't do it anymore is because i have dance classes on Saturday where rehersals are on and i can't be bother auditioning. Oh well, watching it is much more fun...i guess!

Love Peanut

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