Saturday, March 7, 2009


My relatives have been here for 4 days now. It's been so hectic! I like people coming over because it's merrier but i hate it when people become too merry. What i mean is that they take it as the home and sort know do anything they want. I know its not their fault because they don't know anything here and how we use them....but i just can't stand it.

For example, my bathroom is now being used by more than 10 people everyday. The bathroom is now a shocker! And my study room has people sleeping in it. They talk so much at night that i either have to sleep earlier before them or sleep after they slept, which won't happen because i have school the next day. We have to prepare and cook food for them which cost lots. And they have to borrow stuff from us because they didn't bring them. I'm just glad they didn't have to sleep in my room or i'll be fuming!!!! LOL ^^ well, except for all those thing i mention, they're quite alright to be around with.

i have the cold now because i was under the rain for 3 days now. I have to tour them around the city and it was raining at school yesterday. Uhh.....block nose. NOT HAPPY....^^ Yesterday dad brought them to Phillip Island and today they are going to see the 12 apostles and at night we're having a BBQ at my relatives's place. JOY!

Yesterday, while i was playing cards with my two grandma's, i felt the earthquake going throught me. It was scary ass. I was like EARTHQUAKE! and mum, who was washing the dishes said, it was just the wind and both my grandma said that they didn't felt it. Then my cousin from Malaysia called saying that his friend from Aus told him that there was an earthquake in Melbourne. i was like... I KNEW IT! Lol^^ it was 4.6 on the Ricther Scale and the epicentre is at Korumburra, about 90 kilometres south-east Melbourne. *LOL, copied it of the internet! haha! I would hid under the table if everyone felt it! That will be funny....maybe not. ^^

Well gtg. Don't want mum or dad to read what i typed about "THEM" LOL~ bye~~~~


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