Thursday, March 12, 2009

Fantasy/Dream, Clarification and some random stuff about school

Oh, i decided to not write any more negative stuff...people will think I am an emo which I'm not. I just have really troublesome mood swings.... Now back to the topic.

OK, i guess everyone who is reading this had once dreamed and fantasise themselves in somewhere beautiful or with someone you love alot. I love doing it. It is like a "thing" you do when you know it won't ever happen in real life, or it might, if a miracle happens. The only part i love about sleeping is the dreaming bit. Sometimes, i love my dreams and of course I get scare of nightmares. But i have them less often now. I once of this reoccuring nightmare when i was Grade 2 and I was so scare to go to bed. I think is was to stress at that time because I was in the advance class and you know.....the pressure. But later on, i was alright after grade 2.

I love daydreaming. It is my favourite subject, that's why i'm so quiet around people. I just sit there and stare out into space. Images will just come and go in my mind. It such a wonderful thing. It calms me down and lifts my sprit. However, sometimes it makes me feel sad because i will always tell myself...why can't this happen in real life? Why? Oh God, i'm being negative again.....Told you guys i have quick mood swings.....

I love reading novels too becaue you can fantasise the characters. Sometimes, you guys could also try putting yourself and the people around you as the characters. It is so much fun. As i said in the last post about the Twilight series.....I sometime potray myself as the character but i know it won't happen.....ever. I don't mean meeting a vampire i mean the close relationship between. Edward and Bella......yeah.... Ok, positive....POSITIVE!!!!

Soz, guys. It is just so hard to not think about the "stuff" that will cause me mood swings and get all negative because the "stuff" is nearly related to every subject. I'm not emo, once again for clarification. I'm just at a growing age with quick mood swings. ^^ Look back to normal....i am, a weird child!

I don't really like my piano teacher. She is sometimes nice and sometimes not....maybe she is having mood swing too. LOL ^^ you should get what i mean. We watched a movie in Frnech which lasted for 3 lessons and it is DRAINING ass. I nearly fell asleep in all the lessons. I hope she doesn't asked us to write a review or something because i don't get the movie. It is some sort like HSM but in an old fashion way. I don't mean it like it is high school and cute girls and hot boys ^^..... i mean the singing bit where you talk and suddenly you sing and then you talk again. I like HSM but the worst bit is the voice of the singing is sometimes a girl but a guy is "singing" it. Hope you get what i mean. And it is in French...of course and we have to read the subtitles and look at what is happening at once. I know i'm multitask but not that good at it!

We also watch a movie in Science and i nearly wanted to puke after watching it. We are now doing genetics in Science. The movie was about problems in the sex genes.....which was quite.....materialised....yeah.... Thinking of it jus makes me want to puke again.....Bleh. We have a Maths test on Monday. the topic is measurement. I don't think i could cope much in advance Maths. My grades on my test are lower as before. But if i drop to mainstream i won't be in the advance Science which i love so much....i don't know what to do. Ok, i do. I should go study more, pratice more and not sitting here typing this post up. ^^

I finished Twilight....not quite a few more pages....4 maybe? And i'm off the "New Moon" hoping i could finish the whole (for now) series before "New Moon" comes onto the big screen! I'm also waiting for the release of the Twilight movie on DVD so i can watch it. I watch some of it on YouTube but i couldn't finish it off because the rest of the parts have been removed (it was illegal to upload the movie!) They skip quite alot of the details in the movie (where i was up too) It was going too fast! ^^ The director said, like most movies that were potrayed from books have to be cut short and able to be visualised. I hope my favourite scene won't be cut off!
...............................................................................................................................................................Sorry I was daydreaming or should i say night dreaming again. Where was I?m Oh, yeah we have to do this essay for legal and the due date was meant to be this coming Monday but we said to the teacher that it was the next Monday (23/3) She looked in her teacher's diary to check if we were right but she didn't write it down. So, she told us the due day was on the 23/3 and she got muck up with her Yr 12's. LOL ^^ we were sort of laughing behind her back. Teehee!

I better stop typing now because
1. I'll do more daydreaming
2. I'm tired and want to go to dream and fantasied ^^
3. I can't be bother thinking about topics to blog anymore.....which leads to....
4. My life is not that interesting so i hope i'm not boring people to sleep

So, TA! Good night or good morning....whatever suits you and....everyone, please keep on fantasising and dreaming, it's the best gift ever to you. I feel religious saying that but i still mean my words! Bye!

Love Peanut ^^

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