Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Values with no faith!

My values and faith teacher is the worst teacher you can get. He is a new teacher at the school. Our old teacher left...and i miss him. He was a good teacher. He gave me A+'s but not the new one. He gave me a C on my report! He just came this term so he doesn't have anything to mark us on but you can't give every student a C because you can't mark us with anything! At lease B. A C will effect our enters for the DUX award! If you don't want to give Bs then put ungraded. I will be much happy because really....we don't have work to be graded on so ungraded is fair. Not C! Urgh.....

Then we did the genetic engineering project and i got a B+ for it. That is alright but did you know what comments he wrote. He wrote after question 3 "Excellent until here." WTH! Eventhough i do bad on question 4 you can't write that! That is so.....rude! And on of my friends, got a C for it. and he wrote C, circle the letter and wrote a just after it. Do you know how rude is that. And there were other comments like "I don't think so from the information i know." Who cares about your opinion! My friend did like stacks of research on the task and he told her that "Laura, you lack organisation and research, next time be more aware....Blah Blah Blah" He marks it base on his opinion and he wants us to write on OUR opinion. Simmone wrote that an embryo is human being and he wrote at the bottom embryo is not a human life. It is asking for our personal opinion. PERSONAL!!!!!

Courtney's parents are wanting to talk to him at parent teacher's night! Emma too! I'm mean it's not fair. He doesn't know what he is teaching. We sometimes ask questions and he doesn't know the answer to it and just give a answer to put us off. We call him Voldermort because he does like Voldermort. I don't know.....the teacher's this year are so.....bad. Well, basically Maths and VF. The rest is alright. Ugh....we have maths tomorrow....and piano. Tiring....can't wait for the holidays....but i have to study for my mid-year exam which is maybe 5 weeks after the holidays. *GASP*

I have a French test next week....uh, i have test and i thought i was done for the term. This should be my last test....i'm pretty sure...LOL! ^^ I'm going on to "Eclipse" now on the "Twilight" series...going slowly.....

Love Peanut,

P.S: My results for my report
English: A
Legal: A+
Science: A
Maths: B
V and F: C

It's alright but i could have go an A in V and F and Maths....reason, bad teacher!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Take a chance....

I'll take this chance to wish my cousin a happy birthday even though I know he won't be reading this but anyway. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 17 now! ^^ Hope you have a nice day and thanks for the time you're willing to spend on me. LOL! Hope you get your driving license soon and you love the pressie that mum and me brought!

Sometimes chances are so easy to get and sometimes you just have to wait for the right time, the right person and the right scenario. So basically chance=fate. Well....not quite but if fate arrives you probably get your chance! ^^

Today, i did my English oral and it wasn't that bad after all. It was my best speech since year 7 i reckon. I'm proud of myself.....really proud! Then we have the science test today. Can't say it's hard and can't say it's easy. I get some of it and i don't. LOL! yeah...sometimes test are just so.....indescribable. That is a good word! I think we won't have any big assignments or test anymore because 1 more week and holidays! YAY! I'm just going to slump at home and watch movies. That is my plan ^^.

The 2008 plenty campus musical is coming soon. The musical is "crazy for you" this year. Some of my friend who are in the production said that the musical is full of slutty stuff....LOL. That will be....interesting. I'm going with Braclet on the Saturday 2 May, the finale night! I didn't participate in the play this year or last year. I did the year before in 'Beauty and the Beast' , I was a plate! LOL! Yeah....but it was fun. I couldn't do it anymore is because i have dance classes on Saturday where rehersals are on and i can't be bother auditioning. Oh well, watching it is much more fun...i guess!

Love Peanut

Friday, March 20, 2009

Debutante night

Tonight is the night of the debutante. Only 20 students attended school in year 10. I ask mum to let me stay home but they don't want me to because she said that I took 5 days of school last time and she doesn't want me to skip school now. It was just freakin 3 days. 2 days were because of the bush fires warning and the other was house swimmin sport. I can't swim so why bother go plus my relatives were over at our place for holiday so why not take the day of. Today, there won't be any teaching, mostly doing private study so why the use come to school when you can do private study at home and sleep in! Grrr........ As you can see i'm typing my blog in Legal! Ha!

Everyone at school were asking me if I'm going to the debutante tonight. Ok, to tell you the truth, I really wanted to go but something inside me told me....not to. LOL ^^. It's just this feeling when i think about it that makes me shudders. I won't have any close friends to talk to and I'm pretty sure I won't go to the afterparty if i attended the debt plus it cost heaps. So....yeah. But I really want to dress up and look good. ^^ Oh well, it's better staying home and huddle under the covers. I also need to finish my homework. After next the English oral i will be free from homework. 2 more weeks and holiday here I come!

Homework List:
Legal essay (Due Mon 23)
French research (Due Mon 23)
English oral speech (Due Tues 24)
Science test revision (Due Tues 24)

There we go. Homework over the weekend. After Tuesday I'm done! Yay! No more long assignments til the holidays. Just suffer this weekend and two days of next week...YAY! ^^

I figure out some of the pairs:
Kim and James
Nymie(or Alex?) and Max
Emma (exchange student) and a kid from outside school name Josh.

I really could have asked Braclet to come with me to the debt and we will have fun dancing all night long. That will be so cool! She agree to come with me to the musical! Yay! On the Saturday night too! We were planning to go out in the day and go to the theater at night. Hope there is not much homework over that weekend.... It's going to be a maximum of 33 degrees Celsius on Saturday. Glad i'm staying at home. I'll eat ice-cream all day long. I scream you scream we scream for ice-cream!!!

Love Peanut

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Done for the day.

....I'm back! I've just finish my French oral script and i am done for the day...well i still have to do english and legal but that can wait....right? Lol ^^ Ok back to where i left off...

There is going to be less people in Yr 10 this few days because of the Debt on Friday night. Some won't come to school on Friday because they need to do their make up, their hair, their dress. I will be in library on Friday...confirm cause all people from the gang are going to the debt. I'm left out. Some will come and leave at lunchtime so at lease i have someone to hang out with for a few hours. They are taking a limo to the Debt which is in Brunswick. Here is a list of some of the couples i know that are doing the debt (dancing):

Erin and Ben
Arron and Emma
Mark and Ellie
Mitch and Tori
Caitie and Alex (not too sure about that!)

There's more but i don't know who thier partner is:
Emma (exchange student)

Yeah! That is pretty much it and the others are going as guest. Maximum 12 on a table. I tcost $82 for each person. Expensive ass! But it includes dinner and drinks. I heard that the people are dancing have to be lead by their parents down a stairway. It sounds like those really formal dances you see on telly. They have 3 or 4 dances they have to do. I heard them describe their dresses and i was like...Wow!...Awww!....Cool! Yeah, need to give sound enthusiasm into it even though i'm not going! Then they have the afterparty. I heard they were going to Caitie's(not the twin Caitie) place but they won't stay long(an hour) because there might be "unwanted objects" at her place. *ahem drugs, alcohol ahem* LOL! and they are going to Arron's later. But some are just going to stay at Caitie's because the debt ends at like 12:00 and they are going home at 2 so might as well stay there. Some are having their own party. LOL ^^.

Love Peanut,

".....As If I never Existed."- New Moon, Edward Cullen

As if i've never existed. Today is those days when I am fully invisible. I found out why these days happen. Mostly it's when they play basketball or four squares or anything except sitting down in a bunch and just talking. I always feel "safe" when i just sit there and here their conversation. I was like an idiot walking around the school for who knows how many laps. I hate it when there is no choir or musical rehearsals on because most of the people will be there at lunchtime and they will mostly play ball games and stuff. I just want to tag along and listen on what's going on around school. Ok, i admit i like to gossip and retrieve information from the gang but it's just for you Braclet....for your information~! I'm pushing it onto you! LOL ^^

I'm in the library once again. I hope Grace will come back to school soon but i guess not because her house got burned down in the bush fires. She is the only one that I can talk to and....don't feel that awkward. I sometimes feel that everything is spinning around me but i'm just there.....stationary and not moving. Everything passing by so fast that they don't ever notice me. I'm sick of it and i guess you're sick of hearing this. I hate to write about it but....i don't have much to write.

I'll talk about yesterday then. I had a cramp on my left leg yesterday when i woke up. It hurts like hell. I can still feel a little pain there. Don't know whta caused it but it really HURT! ^^ And i finally finish downloading the twilight movie and I don't have to go buy the DVD!!! It was alright....the movie. But the storyline was so different from the book. It skipped so much information and some scenes or quotes were meant for later but it came before. If you haven't read the book it will be so hard to understand the film. Just my opinion though. Erin, Rhi, Janae and Grace were talking about the Twilight series and I was like (thought) stop talking about it! I haven't finish it yet! Lol ^^. They were like criticising the characters and stuff and i was like shut up! shut up! shut up! ^^ and by the bell!!! New Moon will be out in November.....hope it comes out on my birthday and i have an excuse to ask Braclet to go with me to watch it! ^^

I'm so stress about the orals i need to do. French and English! French it tomorrow and i still haven't prepare yet! *gasp* i know....i'm lazy! I watch Twilight instead yesterday. I need to do it tonight then....for real! I'm so lost in lost. Calm down, i'm not going to kill myself because i love myself! I just hate school which makes me feel lost! ^^ School....ewwww. 10 more minutes till class starts. I have French next, joy!

There is going to be less people in Yr 10 this few days because of the Debt on Friday night. Some won't come to school on Friday because.....

GTG Bell just rang!! Bye! Continue tonight!

Monday, March 16, 2009


My anger was fully boiling in Maths today. Yesterday I was saying that i was fully pump for the test and i will get a good mark but after receiving the test paper.....I was like WTH! The questions were not on measurement but on f**ckin trigonometry and Pythagoras' Theorem. I understand the Pythag bit but why are we doing trig in a measurement test?! Everybody syrted complaining and the teacher was just like "Shut up, i don't see any hands raise in the air so no talking is allow!" I was like screw that! And she said that this test will go for a 2 day period.....and you don't have to finish it! Something is wrong with her!!!!!!!
Ok, here's a theory. Famous artist in the entertaiment circle always have a bad image and influence to the society.
For example:
*Paris need to say what image she has!
*Linsay Lohan!.....another duplicate of Paris
*Britney Spears.....triplets!!!
*Zac Efron.....He is such a snoob! Eventhough he is hot and stuff...he is a freakin snoob. I read in the newspaper saying that he was at Sydney for the HSM3 preview. Zac and his co-stars in HSM was walking on the red carpet. All the fans were like screaming and wanting autographs and he didn't sign a single one. His manager or someone was behing him recieving the gifts that his fans was giving him. After the red carpet, Zac when into the place where the review was and walk out the backdoor. He was rushing to another function i think and guess what....he told his manager to leave the gifts at the backdoor. How can an artist just ditch their gifts from fans! It is just so mean to do that! And Braclet said she saw him at the basketball game. And everyone was screaming and wanting autographs but he didn't sign any only a girl in a wheelchair. At lease, he has some sense in him!
*Daniel Radcliffe: I hate to say this but he smokes and he is only 18! WTH!
*Robert Pattison: He smokes and takes Vallium! No wonder he looked so white in "Twilight" haha (sacarstic laugh)
Please don't feel offended because I adore some of them too but I just don't get why can't they keep a good image for the public. They know they are famous and they have a lot of fans but they don't set a good example. I know it is their life to do anything they want but you're an artist, a different level in the society. They should show good representation! They should! Well, I can't change anything....
Something sad happen at school.
Caitie and Alex broke up.
That is the sad bit, because they ere so cute together!!!! Aww.....Ok, here is the anger bit! Why did freakin Alex broke up with Caitie when the Debt is in...what....3 days! How can you ask Caitie to go to the Debt and dance with Alex? Why can't he do it way before the debt or after it....Caitie was so down today, she had a mental breakdown and cried at recess. I'm standing at your side Caitie!
Love Peanut,

Sunday, March 15, 2009


I'm officially so PUMP for my maths test on Monday! I get a cheat sheet and calculater and i am ready for it. I did all this questions on different topic in Measurement and i get and understand all of them! I'm happy! Wish me luck! you want to come watch the Plenty musical with me. I have to book the tickets in order to get good seats. I just want you to come with me and not with your whole family. LOL ^^ you couldn't come join me and Ellie last year because you were going with your family on the Thrusday night show. Reply me or text me!

Last night or should i say morning (1.00a.m) i was watching soccer with my dad. Man United vs Liverpool and i was devastated. The game started at 12.00 but i came down at 1.00 where half time just started and it was Man United 1 Liverpool 2. That game was a vicious one! Liverpool had a very strong defence and one of the Man United players got a Red card. Which cause a free kick and eventually....a goal. The end score was 3-1 . I when to bed when Liverpool got the thrid goal because...i knew who is going to win and it is not my favourite team (man united) ! Oh well! Try again next time!

I was also very fustrated last night. I've been dowloading the Twilight movie since 1 in the afternoon yesterday and it took about 6 hours. Around 7, the download finish and i open it....guess what... It had an error or something and the file can't be open! I was so fustrated that i nearly screw up my laptop! Argh....I just can't wait for the DVD to come out so i downloaded the movie from another server which i'm pretty sure it will work this time because i've download tons of shows from that server. But the only bad thing about doing that is it takes unlimmited time because you need to find sources. A bit the same as limewire but takes a lot more LONGER because it's a movie file which is big! Series/Software/Music/MV download is also available! I feel like i'm helping them advetised! LOL! ^^

I've gtg do my V&F homework now which i think i'll get sidetrack every second. LOL!

Love Peanut

Friday, March 13, 2009

Happy for once! ^^

Today, at school i think i talked the most since my friends left! I feel happy now. I feel loved. I, wanted to socialise today, which was quite weird!! hahaha I talked to so many people! Even though they are just small random talks I still feel happy. It's amazing what a small thing can make me feel happy!

So much happen at school today. I'll start at the beginning of the day. 1st period, we look at our timetable and it said English so we when to the classroom (which was in the library) and we sat on the couches waiting for our teacher. I was listening to the Caitie, Laura, Jemima, Courtney talking about last night's debating they attended. Laura was late for the debate like 5 minutes and the debate teacher/ our english teacher started screaming at everyone being on time and not doing this and that. I don't think it's fair, some of them came right from school and haven't had dinner yet and some have rehersals before the debate and the teacher was holding a bottle of coke and fish and chips while shouting at them.....Courtney's dad nearly wantes to call and talk to the teacher...Nearly! Her mood can change so quickly.....maybe she's going through.....yeah...i didn't say anything!!!!! ^^

And then the libarian let us into the classroom to wait for our teacher instead. So we sat down and some people got out their laptops and started doing "work". We waited for nearly half a period and still no teacher. Mr.F then walks into the door, everyone was like....No!!!! because we though he was a sub but then he said that 1st and 3rd period have swaped over since the start of term. We were in the wrong class and i we were meant to have maths/science. Since when did they change the timetable? Someone could have come and tell us! We thought we could skip through English....but BAD LUCK!

Nothing happen much in Science. Glad we didn't have to watch that movie again! Then we have recess. Not mucht there too and we had Legal......boring again! The teacher couldn't work the Powerpoint so we have to do questions! Later we had Maths, draining ass! We have to do revision questions for the test that is on Monday. We get a cheat sheet and to use our calculater because it's on measurements. I do hope i will get a good mark!

Lunch! I was feeling quite social at that time. We sat at the red table and 3 person shared on each side of the table, facing each other. Me, Emma and Ben sat on 1 side and Mitch Courtney and Alex sat on the other. I didn't talk much but it was still better than last time. Then some of the "popular" kids walk pass holding this "weapon" they made for Jarrod, a kid who most people deteste......He's alright if you don't go bagging him but because one of my friends that left the school didn't like his so much....i have to do that so.Anyways, we when around looking for him and he was quite good hiding himself. We say he is everywhere because of his wideness....well Braclet made that up not me....i'm just used of saying it, to make her laugh ^^ LOL! We when to the basketball courts to look for him and our group eventually started playing basketball. It was so funny...boys vs girls and there were 2 boys versing 8 girls. ^^ Later more people joined in so i backed out a bit and sat down in the shade. Quite hot today!

Assembly today didn't make me happy. It was the Yr 12 honours. The school gives out prizes to the students who have high scores in VCE in certain subjects and general. I'm glad to see old faces even though they don't know me but when they read out the name of Stuart, i suddenly turned gloomy and when his brother and sister, the only O'gorman left in their family when to get the prize for his brother. His sister started crying and her brother beside her hug her. I really wanted to cry on the spot but i think people will ask me why and i'll get all embarass.....*sniff*

Ok, the best part of my day! PE! As some might know I am not a sport person. Don't like sport and can live without it.....or should i say better of without it in my live! Well, i want to stay healthy and i do some running and love basketball but i just don't like doing it at school. The teacher wasn't here today and we have a sub which is my Maths teacher. I heard before PE that we are playing tennis. I love tennis but i couldn't bother to playing in that hot weather out at the courts without and shade! So, i skip Pe saying i didn't bring my uniform. Me, Caitie, Laura and Micheal didn't participate. The other class was having PE too and Andrew and Duncan join us....sitting out. Mrs Swain (maths/sub teacher) said we can't move from our spot and can't use our laptop. We argue with her that all our homework is on our laptop but she told us to get her Maths hw to do. We are all in her advance class she knows what homework we have. So we go get our books and i talked to Micheal on the way and i meet up with Catie and Laura at the lockers. We when back and sat down in shade. We couldn't be bother, of course, doing homework but Mrs Swain false us to do it. Then she when into the tennis courts barefoot and start teaching students how to play tennis and she played a few games too. That was amusing to watch!

After PE, it was so funny. We were waiting for the bell to ring so we can go home. When the bell rang, we start walking to our lockers, suddenly Max, Nymie and Joel burst out from the bushes and started running for thier life. They didn't change back to their school uniform and you get in trouble if you don't. but it is end of school so they couldn't bother. They were running away from Mrs Kelly, other PE teacher for the other class. Joel was the last one to run and the easiest to spot because of his striking blond hair. And we could hear Mrs Kelly's voice calling his name. Joel run around the corner and someone turn back to see Mrs Kelly running for him. Then we quickly call out to Joel who was SLOWLY packing his bag from his locker to run and hide. With slow reactions, it got into his brains a few seconds and Mrs Kelly caught him and told him to change into his uniform. Max got caught to and Nymie ran away just in time. It was so funny! I know it doesn't sound like it but you should see Joel's faces it was freakin amusing.

Out of School now.

We when to Nando's for dinner. Yum! And we when to Big W to get the other two books of the "Twilight" series..."Eclipse" and "Breaking Dawn". I'm up to "New Moon" only and i love it all to bits! Edward and Bella! I have been saying that nearly in every post when i started reading "twilight" Lol ^^ Mum said it's a girl type book, seldom boys will read it because it's more on love stuff. A vampire and a normal human girl falls in love....Fantasy! I heard so many things about the money and i watch some of it and was a bit upset about it. It didn't really make it as what i thought it will be.....some good scenes were cut off and some emotions and important dialogue. Oh well, just hope that the new one is better than......

My relatives left this afternoon. Relieve and not relieve. Happy that i get my bathroom and house back to ourselves . Not relieve because t is so quite and dull. Well, mum told me dad agree to go back to Malaysia in the july holidays! Joy! I really want to go to Taiwan and i had an offer from my aunt to go end of year so we get the chance to watch the countdown concert but i'm going alone. I'm not that close with her and her daugther, so i push it. Next time then.....i hope there will be a next time!

I'm going to bed now. Harsh week and want to relax for a bit! Bye!

Love Peanut

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Fantasy/Dream, Clarification and some random stuff about school

Oh, i decided to not write any more negative stuff...people will think I am an emo which I'm not. I just have really troublesome mood swings.... Now back to the topic.

OK, i guess everyone who is reading this had once dreamed and fantasise themselves in somewhere beautiful or with someone you love alot. I love doing it. It is like a "thing" you do when you know it won't ever happen in real life, or it might, if a miracle happens. The only part i love about sleeping is the dreaming bit. Sometimes, i love my dreams and of course I get scare of nightmares. But i have them less often now. I once of this reoccuring nightmare when i was Grade 2 and I was so scare to go to bed. I think is was to stress at that time because I was in the advance class and you know.....the pressure. But later on, i was alright after grade 2.

I love daydreaming. It is my favourite subject, that's why i'm so quiet around people. I just sit there and stare out into space. Images will just come and go in my mind. It such a wonderful thing. It calms me down and lifts my sprit. However, sometimes it makes me feel sad because i will always tell myself...why can't this happen in real life? Why? Oh God, i'm being negative again.....Told you guys i have quick mood swings.....

I love reading novels too becaue you can fantasise the characters. Sometimes, you guys could also try putting yourself and the people around you as the characters. It is so much fun. As i said in the last post about the Twilight series.....I sometime potray myself as the character but i know it won't happen.....ever. I don't mean meeting a vampire i mean the close relationship between. Edward and Bella......yeah.... Ok, positive....POSITIVE!!!!

Soz, guys. It is just so hard to not think about the "stuff" that will cause me mood swings and get all negative because the "stuff" is nearly related to every subject. I'm not emo, once again for clarification. I'm just at a growing age with quick mood swings. ^^ Look back to normal....i am, a weird child!

I don't really like my piano teacher. She is sometimes nice and sometimes not....maybe she is having mood swing too. LOL ^^ you should get what i mean. We watched a movie in Frnech which lasted for 3 lessons and it is DRAINING ass. I nearly fell asleep in all the lessons. I hope she doesn't asked us to write a review or something because i don't get the movie. It is some sort like HSM but in an old fashion way. I don't mean it like it is high school and cute girls and hot boys ^^..... i mean the singing bit where you talk and suddenly you sing and then you talk again. I like HSM but the worst bit is the voice of the singing is sometimes a girl but a guy is "singing" it. Hope you get what i mean. And it is in French...of course and we have to read the subtitles and look at what is happening at once. I know i'm multitask but not that good at it!

We also watch a movie in Science and i nearly wanted to puke after watching it. We are now doing genetics in Science. The movie was about problems in the sex genes.....which was quite.....materialised....yeah.... Thinking of it jus makes me want to puke again.....Bleh. We have a Maths test on Monday. the topic is measurement. I don't think i could cope much in advance Maths. My grades on my test are lower as before. But if i drop to mainstream i won't be in the advance Science which i love so much....i don't know what to do. Ok, i do. I should go study more, pratice more and not sitting here typing this post up. ^^

I finished Twilight....not quite a few more pages....4 maybe? And i'm off the "New Moon" hoping i could finish the whole (for now) series before "New Moon" comes onto the big screen! I'm also waiting for the release of the Twilight movie on DVD so i can watch it. I watch some of it on YouTube but i couldn't finish it off because the rest of the parts have been removed (it was illegal to upload the movie!) They skip quite alot of the details in the movie (where i was up too) It was going too fast! ^^ The director said, like most movies that were potrayed from books have to be cut short and able to be visualised. I hope my favourite scene won't be cut off!
...............................................................................................................................................................Sorry I was daydreaming or should i say night dreaming again. Where was I?m Oh, yeah we have to do this essay for legal and the due date was meant to be this coming Monday but we said to the teacher that it was the next Monday (23/3) She looked in her teacher's diary to check if we were right but she didn't write it down. So, she told us the due day was on the 23/3 and she got muck up with her Yr 12's. LOL ^^ we were sort of laughing behind her back. Teehee!

I better stop typing now because
1. I'll do more daydreaming
2. I'm tired and want to go to dream and fantasied ^^
3. I can't be bother thinking about topics to blog anymore.....which leads to....
4. My life is not that interesting so i hope i'm not boring people to sleep

So, TA! Good night or good morning....whatever suits you and....everyone, please keep on fantasising and dreaming, it's the best gift ever to you. I feel religious saying that but i still mean my words! Bye!

Love Peanut ^^

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Mixed Feelings...

Here are some of the feelings I'm experiencing this few days......

School is getting more quiet and gloomy for me. Sometimes its good. Sometimes its alright. Sometimes i just can't be bother doing anything and trying my best to mix around. I just feel so depressed about what's been going on in the school community(bushfire incident) and a different school life I'm having without my best friends. Before, i was quite cheerful to go to school when i know my friends are waiting for me and we will have a good day but now there isn't much to look forward at school....homework maybe?

I'm jealous because the people around me have found love. No matter what type of love it is....friends or lovers it just makes me feel uneasy to be around them. Whenever I see photos of their outing, i will start having this emotion in me telling....Why don't I have any of this love in my life? Everyone in "the gang" treat each other so full of love while i feel I'm invisible. I know it's a bit erupt to just join their group but where can i still go in this tough school community....I don't know. Everyone is talking about the debt that is on the 20/3. It is like a prom. Everyone in the gang is going and I really wanted to go. I wanted to buy myself a dress and wear high heels. I really want to find a partner to go with.....but I can't. It's just to hard for me to go....all by myself and start mingling around. I heard so much stories around....and i don't really want to get hurt. But I really wish i could attend and look as pretty as everyone else and share the fun.

I'm missing everything about the past, bad or good. It so hard to let go of everything and start all over. I miss my friends, my family....and maybe that someone.....I don't really feel like going into it too much, so i'll leave it there.

So many homework and stress on me! Everything is due the next day and don't have much time....It is even worse when m relatives are here (they're leaving the day after.....) I have been off school for 3 days and I have to catch up so badly. I think I drop a grade in some of my subjects. It's a bit to hard to cope...but i'll try my best, hopefully.

Ok, i guess i should start at the good feelings.....May I? I hope i do have some......

OMG! I'm now so obsses on the "Twilight" series. I love it! I can't believe i only start reading it recently since it was first published in 2005! Ok, to clarify, i still haven't watch the movie so i'm not like those people who watch the movie and read the books later. I prefer reading the books and then watch the movie. But i heard from my friends saying the movie is shit because the director knew that alot of people will come and watch and they made it quite "simple". I guess i should watch and see. Loving Edward and Bella!

I'm happy because my favourite show is back again. I won't mention the name but it is the best show ever to me! It's funny and it soothes me down from the difficult days at school. I'm glad it's back, i cried when the season endded and said they were not coming back. But they did promise they will come back one day and they did kept their promise....I love you guys!

Ok...I don't really have much positive stuff. My life is stuff then....LoL....just kidding ^^. I have a positive mind and little positive stuff can easily win over negative thoughts. Trust me...i'm strong, sometimes......

Monday, March 9, 2009

Only Ten Meaningful Quotes.....

My friend send me an e-mail and the title was only ten meaningful quote. I thought the quotes had a very deep meaning and i hope you guys will take time to think over it. The e-mail is written in Chinese so I have to translate it for you guys....I'll post the Chinese version here too...if there are people out there who prefer to read in Chinese ^^.... ha ha
  • 1st Quote
If there is a 1000 steps between us
you just have to take 1 step
And I will walk the other 999 steps towards you.
  • 2nd Quote
Normally does who stay behind and argue with you....
are the people that truly love you.
  • 3nd Quote
Giving away your sincerity, in return will get someones sincere
but you may also get hurt thoroughly
Keeping a distance, will protect yourself
but will also be destined to be lonely forever.
  • 4th Quote

Sometimes, its not that the other person doesn't care about you it is because you see the person as someone who is over important.

  • 5th Quote
A friend is someone who had seen through you and still loves you.
  • 6th Quote
Even though it's believe, lies are hidden in the middle.
  • 7th Quote
A true friend,
Doesn't mean that there are endless topics when together
It means,
when together, even though we don't talk
we won't ever feel awkward.
  • 8th Quote
There is never a 100% partner
Only two 50% person together
  • 9th Quote
Someone because of your sadness and feel happy is your enemy
Someone because of your happiness and feel happy is your friend
Someone because of you sadness and feel sad
is someone you should put in your heart
  • 10th Quote
Coolness doesn't always meant heartless
it is only a weapon to stop someone getting hurt.

OMG! those translations i just did were shit! They completely spoil the true meaning! I hope you guys can still understand what I'm trying to bring across. Some are not that bad but some....doen't even flow fluently and doesn't make much sense. LOL ^^ Oh well i tried and this is what i produced! Translating is so hard because you can't find the right words you want to use to express the feeling of the sentence. It took me so long to think of the words I should use. Hope you guys can take some time and read it. It's more meaningful in Chinese though..... If anyone gets to learn Chinese in the near future come back and read the real version. I'll bet you'll have a different look towards it.....well not saying my translation are that bad! Anyways, here is the Chinese version!
  • 第一句

  • 第二句  

  • 第三句  
保持距离 就能保护自己  

  • 第四句  
有时候 不是对方不在乎你  

  • 第五句  
朋友就是把你看透了 还能喜欢你的人  
  • 第六句  
就算是believe 中间也藏了一个lie  

  • 第七句  
而是在一起 就算不说话  

  • 第八句  

  • 第九句  
为你的难过而快乐的 是敌人  
为你的快乐而快乐的 是朋友  
就是那些 该放进心里的人 
  • 第十句  
冷漠 有时候并不是无情  

Saturday, March 7, 2009


My relatives have been here for 4 days now. It's been so hectic! I like people coming over because it's merrier but i hate it when people become too merry. What i mean is that they take it as the home and sort know do anything they want. I know its not their fault because they don't know anything here and how we use them....but i just can't stand it.

For example, my bathroom is now being used by more than 10 people everyday. The bathroom is now a shocker! And my study room has people sleeping in it. They talk so much at night that i either have to sleep earlier before them or sleep after they slept, which won't happen because i have school the next day. We have to prepare and cook food for them which cost lots. And they have to borrow stuff from us because they didn't bring them. I'm just glad they didn't have to sleep in my room or i'll be fuming!!!! LOL ^^ well, except for all those thing i mention, they're quite alright to be around with.

i have the cold now because i was under the rain for 3 days now. I have to tour them around the city and it was raining at school yesterday. Uhh.....block nose. NOT HAPPY....^^ Yesterday dad brought them to Phillip Island and today they are going to see the 12 apostles and at night we're having a BBQ at my relatives's place. JOY!

Yesterday, while i was playing cards with my two grandma's, i felt the earthquake going throught me. It was scary ass. I was like EARTHQUAKE! and mum, who was washing the dishes said, it was just the wind and both my grandma said that they didn't felt it. Then my cousin from Malaysia called saying that his friend from Aus told him that there was an earthquake in Melbourne. i was like... I KNEW IT! Lol^^ it was 4.6 on the Ricther Scale and the epicentre is at Korumburra, about 90 kilometres south-east Melbourne. *LOL, copied it of the internet! haha! I would hid under the table if everyone felt it! That will be funny....maybe not. ^^

Well gtg. Don't want mum or dad to read what i typed about "THEM" LOL~ bye~~~~


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

:Lucky eh?!

I just finish putting all the bed sheets into 5 mattress and all pillowcases in 8 pillows. it was freakin tiring! The bedsheets doesn't fit properly into the beds which makes me even more fustrated. because i want it to be all perfect! My nails hurt so much now! Anywayz back to the topic!

I don't know, but i think somthings that i think, say or dream about will sort of come true. If i was thinking about a song while listening to my ipod, the next song will be it. Last night, i dreamt that it was going to rain and put out the bushfires that were coming to our place. When i woke up this morning, there was no bushfires but there was raining, well drizzle of rain. I was like....WOAH!

Yesterday evening, i was watching my favourite team playing soccer. They have to kick the penalties because extra time were over. So i started jumping around getting all nervous and stuff. Then my fav team score the first goal! I was like YAY!! and then it was the rival team to kick. I was like "BLOCK IT! DON"T LET IT IN!" and after the player kicked it, the goalkeeper really block the ball. And my team won. Isn't that weird! ^^

Then at school yesterday i heard people not going to school today because of the dry conditions. I was like....hmmmm i hope i can get a day off too! and then at last period a notice said that if a day off is required then you can have one. Well, it actually said that Prep to Yr 8 can get a day off and y9 to yr12 have classes as normal. But still i wanted a day off and started naging and annoy my mum to let me have a day off! Well the weather conditions here is a fire threat zone so....YEAH! ^^ Well i just hope everyone is safe 2day and nothing worst will happen.

And also, one last thing about my luck. When i dreamt about something and i look up the meaning of it in the . The meaning of what is going on with my life really did come true. Not telling what came true but it did before and after the dream. Well i can't say that is luck because some of them are not really nice but still it's like WOAH! ^^ i use that word alot!

Oh, we played basketball at PE yesterday. Boys and girls combine team and i score a point. Well it's good enough. We girls scored more boys than boys. bleh! ^^ Eveyone started asking me, Oh do you play basketball? I was like...only at school. Don't get too over of yourself! LOL!

Braclet, i have to go out for lunch now and get something that we still need for my relatives. Txt me if you can! Oh, can you send or upload the photos we took at the hotel room. I really want them so i can put on my desktop wallpaper. Please!!!! You know i love you....ok, in a friends way! Tell me when you upload/send it! Bye!
