Wednesday, March 9, 2011

One more ~

One more sac for the week !
English tomorrow

Methods today was good
Shhh.....I'm not saying what happened

Anyway tomorrow,
the english sac starts half-way through lunch
cause we have to do the sac as a whole level together

I can't write under time pressure and
now i'm freaking out more for methods than last night

I think I would memorize both my good essays
and just spit it out

fingers cross that it would be a similar question

WAIT~ Have i told you what film we are studying?

it is a amazing movie
can't believe I just said that
well it has Marlon Brando in it
he was hot in the movie
even though he turned obese

I better start memorizing
even though I shouldn't do that

But before that,
A taste of Marlon Brando

come on
no one could resist that
even my english teacher
who is in her 50s


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