Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Chemistry excursion today at LaTrobe Uni 
it was just so Uhhhh....
I mean it was just sitting there 
listening to lecturers
lecture and doing all the experiments for us

I can't imagine university life
where I have to here lecturers lecture
more than once a week

but after the excursion
we went to Maccas to have lunch!
I was actually starving
cause we didn't have recess
had a McChicken :D

But then we had to rush back for class
I have English and Psychology
English BLEh
we have a sac on Thursday
and I'm screw
I can't write an essay under time pressure
I just can't
and this time it is a sac
and it counts to my marks

Psych was also draining~
we when through powerpoint after powerpoint
the only motivation that kept me awake 
was that we were getting our sac back
and I got 40.5 out of 48
an A
not bad :)

After this post 
I have to study for Methods sac
which is tomorrow

Oh, before Mr Capulano said that we can only have our CAS and no notes
then when we are on the bus on the way to LaTrobe
the other class said that Mrs Swain allow them to have CAS and notes
I'm alright without notes,
because Mr Cap trained us literally to go without notes
and he was planning to do it without notes

Now to be fair,
we can have notes now
because Mrs Swain can't tell her class to not have notes
on the last minute

But when Emma and Andy told Mr Cap
that the other class gets notes
he was literally fuming
because he wrote the sac to cater without notes
and now...yeah
he is gonna have a go with Mrs Swain

Some pictures from today:

Experiment time!

Our product to be analyse with the UV-VIS spectrometer
*sound so smart*
my sexy partner : Grace ♥


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