Monday, July 12, 2010

school starts tomorrow
as in Tuesday
(it's 1:14a.m in the morning)
don't want school!!!!!
I'm going out with Grace tomorrow
to watch 'Eclispe'
Like finally!
This year I'm watching it with a different person
because YOU
(just read the post further down and you will understand~~)
we are truly just acquaintance
you posted something on my wall 11 hours ago?!!
I saw it
I wanted to reply
but I didn't
because I know what it will result to
me getting hurt and ignore once again
I'm sorry that we have end up like this
but it's you that made it happen
You never reply
never care
I'm a person
and I have feelings
I don't have any siblings
I need some love
but everyone around me just shatters it
end of this
not going to complain
went to my relatives house today
ate lunch with them
and mum and dad just keeps teasing me
I mean
cause one day I had to study for my legal sac
so I couldn't go out
and they went to that restaurant
and the week after
they were talking about it
and I was like "I can't join the convo"
and last week I told mum why don't we go to that restaurant
and they were like ok
but we didn't go that week
cause they(as in relatives) couldn't make it
so we went today
and mum and dad were telling them
how much I wanted to come
and how long I've been waiting to come here

came home
'normal' routine
I have to tell you my nowadays normal routine
1. come into house. check if there is anything needed to take from car to house first
2. if there is bring it in.
3. put on kitchentop
4. walk around and see if needed
5. not needed. slowly and cheerfully walk up the stairs
6. last 3 steps RUN TO THE MODEM
7. Turn it on
8. RUN back to room
9. Turn on laptop
10. Close bedroom door
11. Surf the net
12. Wait till I had enough....Take a shower

the last bit...
hmm...never had enough!

I have to go now


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