Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Legal Excursion - Barwon Prison

Today we finally had
our prison excursion
It wasn't actually what I thought it will be
I thought that we will be talking to the prisoners
behind glass or bars
and inside the cells
and its dark and the lights aren't working
and the prisoners are creepy and not friendly...
lols too much tv dramas
but I was totally
we didn't talk behind bars (or glass windows)
we were like talking to them close up
like right infront of them
without any protection
we weren't in cells
and didn't get to see the cells too
except a model of it :(
(I was shattered!!!)
we talk in a common room what they call the visitor room
and it was cosy and warm
they had coffee and tea and biscuits
and it felt like a normal environment
we asked questions
and stuff and it was interesting!
I didn't ask any questions
and of course you guys know....
I'm a shy person
so let all the questioning up to the others
but I still learn alot
the prisoners were sooo friendly
and they were quite cool
we had to go through security check
like metal detectors and stuff
and our legal teacher told us before we got off the bus
that there will be a drug detector thingy
which blows and sucks the particles of you
and analyse it
to see whether you have drugs on you
and if you do
you have to do a strip search
another 0.0
and I was looking forward to it and nervous at the same time
and when we got there
...the machine wasn't working
but the metal detector was COOL AS
it wasn't the normal airport ones
you go into and enclosure cubible thing
and it's so COOL
I have to study for my Biology test
on friday
*cough* Jaki *cough*
: D


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