Monday, March 1, 2010

SICK!!!! @.@

I had a sore throat on friday
runny nose/fever on saturday
cold on sunday
and it's worst today!
I am so cranky when i am sick
so don't come bothering me!
I getting a day off tomorrow's house swimming sports tomorrow
i wanted to go
but now...
i can't
plus i can't swim!
laugh....i can't swim
and i lost my voice
no point me going if i can't cheer
even though participation will earn a point to the house
i mean CEEBS
as if i can be bother
at least i'm staying home
having a rest
and catching up on homework!
Isn't that a good idea
I have to say
that VCE corridor is seriously CONTAGIOUS
i mean NO ONE was here
everyone was freaking sick
including me!
everyone has a cold
i think there is too much stress
EXCUSES! *ahem*
getting another tissue
this one is FERAL!
i better be doing homework now
or else i won't be able to finish it tomorrow!
BY: a sick PEARLY

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