Tuesday, March 9, 2010

My glasses is snapped into half

and it was my favourite!

I hate life now


Ok...here is what happened

Me, grace and the other grace

were hanging out with

mackenzie, jodie and jarrod

so as usual...

we got a basketball with us

and they say jokes about grace


that's not important

so as usual again

they won't let us play with the ball

so us girls have to SNATCH it from them

well....that was what we call fun

so we were snatching it

and we all (GIRLS I MEANT!) fall onto the ground

and the ball when flying behind us

I was still sitting on the ground

and Jodie went to get the ball

and he threw it from behind

and hit me straight in the face

and my glasses snap into half


Ok....i cried!

well it hurts plus when i saw my glasses snapped

i cried even harder

i love them so much


i'm not having a good day...am i?

we tried using tape to fix it

it didn't work

so we tried going to Mr Whitechurch to use the superglue

and it didn't work again

So i had to go home

i can't see without them!

now i'm wearing my spares

I miss my old glasses already!


At least i can get new glasses!



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