Friday, March 5, 2010


I'm regretting once again
Reunion is back on
and i'm won't be able to attend
i'm in Melbourne
and i won't be home till 27th
plus i'll only stay three days in Malaysia
and i'm flying to Japan
i'm not expecting them to do anything
i just feel jealous
that all of them can attend and meet each other
while i can't do anything but just maybe...
look at the pictures and post of the reunion
i don't know
i feel i wasn't actually that popular in class
nobody cares about me
well..that is basically how my whole life has been
it's my problem isn't it?
now my life is so...out of order
i only study and study
haven't had much entertainment since Yr 11 started
but no matter how much i study
i don't get good results in the end
what am i going to do?
BY Pearly

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