Wednesday, August 19, 2009

_ _ _ _ _ troubles with her.....

I don't really want to type her name out but here's a hint,
it rhymes with vegan....yeah you know it!
ok, what if you know the don't even know her
well, this is why i'm here to tell you about her
she is new to our schoo, our year level and our class
she is short, a bit plump and has long hair
she is nice to everyone but....really really nice....
she laughs at what everyone says
and she talks really randomly
once i was saying,
P= me
_ = her

p: i have blocking problems with my subjects
_: Yeah, i really want to make a blog too!

i know she may have heard something wrong there, like blocking and blogging.....but....ok. there is just a hearing mistake there but it is even worst at times.
I do feel sorry for her, because no one at school knows cleary how it feels to be alone without no friends
but sometimes she just gets on my nerves and i like others will somtimes....ignore her
i do feel guilty....i do.....
people at school make fun of her behind her back and at lunch or recess they will shun her out of the circle....or she will be sitting outside the circle
everyone actually knows that it is happening at school, even the exchange students are fooling her
I don't know...i feel the teachers don't favour much of her too
i heard iur work-experience co-ordinarder in pastoral telling her to stop calling the place where she is applying for her work-experience because the people there are getting fed-up
she called 12 times~~!!! 12 times!
i will be really fed-up if i were to recieve her calls 12 times!
I know that she wants to fit in cause she is new to the school but she doesn't know the proper way to do it
im not saying i know the proper way or anything, it's just that she is taking it TOO fast
she doesn't know when she should talk with others and when to just leave them alone.
she cuts your sentences and laugh at basically anything you say...and i'm telling you people hate that
she follows you everywhere and wants you to go with her anywhere
i don't want to reject her at first cause she was new
but now if she ask me if i want to go to the staffroom or IT or anywhere i'll say no
sometimes i'll hesitate but then...yeah no
i'm sorry...
i've tried to be friends with you, we are now like aquaintance
not really close but still talking to each other...when needed.
One of your friends from your old school is coming to the school next term.
why don't you join her,
she will be happy with your company
OH NO....i sound so mean
i don't mean to tell you to like nick off but yeah....
better stop here or it will get worse

BY Peanut

P.S: sorry, it's just my feeling about you....

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