Sunday, August 16, 2009

Taiwan Typhoon Crisis

I finally thought of a topic to talk about so i'm back for another post!
as some of you might know about the typhoon that hit Taiwan a week ago (8/8/09 - the date which i went to camp!)
It has cause much disaster to the country
people have lost their property and even family and friends
hope everyone can give a hand and help them.
A donation or even a prayer
Taiwan have been a part of me since 2 years ago
Because of the obessesion of the entertainment circle over there
I want the country to be safe and sound
another reason is some of my relatives are living over there,
and i don't want them to be in danger
Eventhough we don't meet up that often, they're still relatives
before camp,
i heard about the typhoon about to strike Taiwan
i didn't know that it will be such a big one that cause so many consequences
There will be a charity live show on TV(chinese) tomorrow at 9:30
And i'll be watching that no matter what
Well, seeing the news about the aftermath of the typhoon is really depressing
hope everyone can help out and give them faith

BY Peanut

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