Thursday, August 6, 2009

Just Dropping By...

I using another computer, which is why i'm typing in english
this lsptop doesn't have the program to type in Chinese,
Can't seem to get it working...anyways
mum and dad are now watching tv outside.
they are so obsess now with Taiwan drama...
they always say how much I watch it and laugh to myself and talk about it everyday
now look at them! Ahahaha....
They are now watching the highest rating Taiwan drama "Destiny to Love You" by Joe Chen and Ethan Ruan.
It's a go series and a fresh storyline.
I've just finish packing for camp and while packing mum was just like "hurry up, i want to watch "Destiny To Love You"
I was like "Mum,you told me off when i watch it, now when you are watching it you're still telling me off!"
Dad is also obsess with it.
He doesn't show it on the outside how he is so obsess with it
but everything he does and say to us is all about the series.
It's pretty funny
I'm now downloading Itunes on this laptop because...ok this is a long story.
Now, as you might know, i'm going to camp this saturday which is in a day time
and on camp, i will be bikieriding for 3 and a half days
and going on retreat for 3 and a half days
so overaal the camp is for a week
I'm getting to the point!
Ok, on camp you can't bring phones, ipods blah blah blah
I wasn't planning to bring any of those stuff or breaking any rules
but yesterday while packing (Damn! My internet connection just DC and my Itunes just stop downloading!)
anywayz, yesterday while packing for my retrest bag mum said, why don't you bring your ipod to camp!
I was like NO WAY! it's breaking the rules
i know, i know, i'm an angel ok! ahaha
But i wanted to bring my ipod because no music no life for me
so i told mum...Ok i will bring my ipod however, i have to ipods
one is ipod has a broken screen and a really flat battery tht can only last for 2 days. So nah! not bringing that
and the other one is my only normal functioning one so NAH! not bringing that one too
so mum was like. why don't i get you a new ipod!
i was like WOAH! tht didn't just came out from mum's mouth
and i obediently nodded! hehe.... and i told her to get me a shuffle cause it cost less and there is no screen on it. don't have to worry about anything
so now i'm downloading itunes on this computer because my other computer holds songs more than the space i will get on the shuffle
i don't want to delete songs from my library and don't want songs that i won't have.
So there you go, that is my reason why i'm downloading itunes.
I bet it won't DL today
the wireless connection on this laptop is so poor. No idea why
it will keep DCing
and i think it's happening now! oh god! no please
I'm getting my sleeping bag tomorrow in the city.
I think i'm prepared for this camp. I'm going to be alright....i guess.
It won't be as bad as last time cause I AM PREPARED! Yes, i have to think positive!
i'm also breaking more rules,
i'm bringing food to camp which is not allowed and you know about the Ipod and i'm bringing a aerosol can. OOOHHHHHH
yeah the aerosol can is dry shampoo.
Mum say it's alright. You just spray it on your hair and brush it out.
i won't get to wash my hair which will be like a bird nest and a piece of shit when i come home from camp!
I'm fine with the retreat and the 24 hour solo but not so good on the bikeriding bit.
my butt will hurt after a whole day of bikeriding and i will pull the group down because i am not that fit and can't go well on uphills.
what am i going to do, can't really push up the hill everytime.
Camp is so ridiculous! Camp should be optional! I'm glad this is our last camp! YAY!
no more camp and PE next year! What joy!
Uh....I'm recently addicted to the Vampire Academy Series.
On Shadow Kiss now and i find it really different from the Twilight Saga.
I thought it will be on the same concept but the author made it totally different eventhough it is about vampires.
It's addictive like the Twilight Saga. Lol....i'm all over the vampire books! haha
I better stop here....i'm going to go on for ages!

BY Peanut

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