Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Happy belated Birthday!

Oops....I actually totatly forgot about your birthday!
Happy Belated Birthday JIRO
Well, i didn't really forget but i realise it was your birthday yesterday when i came home frome school....
which is a very big no no! :)
Ok, here goes my speech
I remember the day that i saw you in HanaKimi.
Well, Chun attracted me more in that show but i love the golden hair!
Chun then brought me to Fahrenheit which brought me to you!
Even though in Fahrenheit you're not my favourite one
You're the group leader,
and group leaders are meant to be loved
you're the spirit of Fahrenheit
no matter what you're the big brother to them (eventhough you're not the oldest! hahah)
and you have the most experience of them all.
you have own so many works of your own especially Taiwan drama series.
you have your rocker personality and your cute personality(and i love them both)
I love you no matter what,
eventhough you are not my favourite in Fahrenheit
you still have the same amount of love as all of them!
hope you have good health in the coming years
and hope your career will continue to bloom
you should also write some music for Fahrenheit's next album...it will be really cool!



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