Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Friends or Lover?

well, here's the theory of today....
if you choose the lover you will lose the friend

Well, the theory is not really true,
it seeing what context you fit it into
well here's the context of mine that i saw at school today.

Well, Courtney was telling me, Lexie and Simone in the library that Erin and Piers are now going out.
Obviously, everyone gasp.
This is because you don't see them talk together often, so they're really not that close(...from what we see)
Plus, Tim asked Erin out before
And Erin said she'll go out with him and "try" it out.
But later she when to Canada for exchange
when she came back Tim asked her again but she refuse to go out with him anymore.
I know, Erin sounds like a bitch.
fooling around with people's hearts
I think so too. I'm sorry Erin....
Hope she doesn't find out my blog or i'm screwed
well, we weren't even really friends to start with but she is nice
anyway, nobody realy knows about Erin and Piers going out.
And Tim is really furious about Piers doing that
Everyone knows that Tim loves Erin... A LOT
and now Piers asked Erin out and Erin agrees?!
On the bus heading to Epping station (which means no much people is on the bus)
Tim and Piers were sitting at the front and back of each other.
Both of them leaning on the window.
Couldn't really worked out what they were saying but by seeing their expressions...
don't think they were saying good stuff
i thought i caught a sorry once but maybe not!
So i'm saying here,
to get the girl you have to lose your friend...
and also to get the boy you have to lose your friend...
it always happen in TV series but I never ever saw one in real life.
So here is my first experience!

BY Peanut

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