Monday, April 27, 2009

Rain and wind .....

Rain and wind doesn't make a good day at just makes it "cold and wet". That is all that i can describe of my day. I woke up this morning in the "freezer" a.k.a my room. I was as cold as ice. I didn't feel like getting up but at lease i wore my winter uniform to school today! The uniform was....quite warm! ^^ But i had PE first period and I have to change ut of my uniform which was already heated and into my cold PE uniform. Yesterday, night i was thinking there was no PE and this morning i looked at my timetable and was like DAMN! We did jumps, gymnastic type, where you jump on the mini trampolin and jump and land onto the crashmats. I couldn't do it so i sat out and watch the class do it. it was so funny at the start because everyone kept tumbling over! LOL

Then i had my legal test. It was alright I guess. I got some of them...but like not fully inform answers. So...yeah. Then after the test we had the musical assembly. Thank God we didn't have careers, I will be like uhhhhhh! This year's musical is "Crazy For You" It's some sort of a slutty playboy comedy musical. (Suits Heather!). It's on show this Thrusday, Friday and Saturday. I'm watching the closing night with Bec and we got front row seats! Yay! Ok back to the assembly....the main leads (14 of them WOAH!) talked about heir character and the backstage people also talked about thier job. Then we had a part of the musical shown to us and the item was "Naugthy Baby". before the play i heard there were kiss scences and i think there was meant to be one in this item but i think they took it out because it will be too extreme for high school students to do that! LOL.

I was once in the play! I was in Beauty and the Beast and i was a plate! How dashing! I have to wear this round cardboard thing and a white cloth with pink starps sew on it as my dress! lol! The rehersals are so tiring! You have to stay after school to like 9 the latest. and you also have to cope with the homework you get at school but the teachers will give you less if you are in the play! Not fair! LOL!

Then i had maths and science! Uh! We are doing trig in maths. I get this topic but i always forget to bring my graphics calculator. then we have Science. we have a replacement teacher for the term and she is vicious! She was about to give us 8 questions to do for homework last time and we were like WTF. Mr place doesn't give us any homework and we get the topic. We said that the play people won't have time to do their hw so we got off it. Luckliy today she couldn't be bother giving us homework but i bet you she will be more vicious after the play and give us this massive pile of hw! Oh, we are doing physics now and i HATE IT SO MUCH! I'm not doing it next year in yr 11. Screw physics! LOL

Love Peanut

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