Monday, April 13, 2009

Muhahaha! I'm back! ^^

I'm back! Wuhu! Feeling better now...but my neck still aches abit. Easter is over.....holidays are going to be over too! Braclet i have so many homework left to do and I can't be bother doing it! But of course i have to. I have been of school for three weeks now. And all this homework is from the week that i was sick except for some. I'm doing my legal now. Writting notes from my txtbook and answering questions....boring! I have to do that with Science too and i have to revise for a Maths and French oral test! Joy! I also have to finish reading a novel for English. "Montana 1948" a weird book! ^^

This few days we have been meeting up with our family friends. We haven't seen each other for a long time and our conversations are quite funny! We when down to Springvale to Aunt Carol's house for dinner on Saturday and then we when to "Plume" in Highpoint for breakfast on Easter day and later took a stroll in Victoria Market. We when to Vic Market because another family friend from Malaysia, is son came over for holidays so we brought him to Vic Market. Now they are calling us to go to Aunt Diana's house which is just 3 houses apart for her homemade laksa. I'm not going, i can't be bother i'll just use homework as a reason!!! LOL!

Guess what! Today is my dad's birthday! Happy Birthday! Love you forever! And today, Thailand is celebrating their new year. He is all happy and stuff saying that everyone is celebrating with him! Lol! he is so cute!

Ugh....i'm so!

Love Peanut!

P.S I miss you too, Bracelet!

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