Monday, April 20, 2009

First day of term 2...

Well, i got up today at 6:00 and it was freezing... I was so warm in bed and i have to get up. I hope I wore my winter uniform today but I wore my summer because I don't want to be a fool when i get to school while everyone is still wearing summer. It feel so different at school cause i haven't been here for 3 weeks. I have so many things to catch up. I have my French oral to do, maths revision, VandF research. Oh god, and 4 more weeks till exams. That's a month away. But then....i have 3 and half weeks of holidays! Yay!

This week, on Thrusday, I'm going to the La Trobe science and engineering competition thing. So no school for me plus I'm going to see Bec! She put her name down too! Can't wait for Thrusday! And Friday i'm going to watch a concert with my family at Hamer Hall. It's going to be so cool. On Saturday, which is ANZAC day for us (NOT FAIR for having it on Saturday because we don't get a day off anymore! WAHHH)i'm having dinner at my family's friend's house. They cook delicious food! Yum! I'm hungry now, can't wait to eat my lunch. Ham and Cheese sandwitch! Croque Monsieur! That is ham and cheese sandwitch in French if you guys have to know that!

I'm worrying about the work experience we have to do. I haven't go looking and asking yet. I have to be quick. Everyone is talking about it! And I found out you still have to do it in Year 11. Screw that! I might as well go work at Safeway or Coles....LOL!

Love Peanut

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