Thursday, April 30, 2009

Before-Exams Fear

I think it just hit me today that there is two more weeks till mid-years exams. I don't think I'm going to make it. I'm so screw. I'm typing notes for Legal now and we have to revise half a textbook for this exam and in the year end exams, i think we have to revise the who;e textbook which is.......640 pages. OMG!

For English, I haven't finish reading the book that will be on the test but I think there will be an essay topic on the film we watched. I think I'm good with that. French,'s alright just need to remember everything. The rules, the tenses, the vocabulary.....Science, I get Genetics...I think and i don't really get Physics(motion) I'm so lost for that! and Psychology. I'm cool with that.

Maths! Uh!!!! I don't get it! (haha! That is a joke we use in maths and science, It's really funny, well maybe not to you guys) We have to do Irrational and Rational numbers, Algebra, Measurement and Trig. I'm not good for the first 1 , Algebra ia alright but can't remember the rules, same as measurement can't remember the rules and Trig...I know it's easy but sometimes I mix it up. Lol! I know...i'm really useless sometimes.

V and F...don't really care about that. Is that even on the exam? Yes. I think the topics are Genetics, Abortion, and Captital Punishment. Well, it's basically based on your opinion so if you listen well in class you will be fine. Then we have this PE prac thing we have to do. It goes for 2 hours, what are we doing? Running around in circles and see who collapse first..well that will be me! Ugh! I think we have to show her how to pass the ball, how to stand and how to juggle.....yeah juggle. My PE teacher thinks juggling is a sport. I have fun doing it but i don't reckon in PE classes. No! And she can't even juggle too! Lol!

Well that's basically the exams subject. SO MUCH OF IT! Year end-exams will be this plus next semester's work together and it will be MASSIVE! I will have a mountain of books surrounding me and my memory on my laptop will run off! AH!!! That won't be possible i think....over the board! I have to get good results in this exam because if i fail or don't get and average of B, i will be limited to some subjects to choose for next year. I have already planned for my VCE subjects and I don't want to wreck my plan! Kambateh! Yeah!!!!

Love Peanut

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