Monday, April 20, 2009

Friendship or Love?

Well, this is not about's about the issue that is going around in the group that I'm recently hanging out with. The people in the group have been friends since I think the start of school and now there are more love reltionship sparking up between them. Should friends stay as friends or should they evolve into lovers?

Jemima, one of the friends in the group which has her own opinion was talking about it when we were sitting together at lunchtime. She doesn't agree with all of the love relationship going on. She says it's breaking the friendship bond and making it awkard for everyone. She also made up a name for this issue..."friendship incest". LOL! I find that funny though...don't know why.

Well, in my opinion it's really hard to not fall for someone that you see and talk to everyday...especially a friend! Mostly couples were friends before they got together, so i think it's a normal thing. But some people find that disgusting and not-the-right-thing to do. Well, if you don't start as friends...I don't think there is another way to start a love reltionship.But some people prefer friendship. Maybe her/his friend love the same person as him/her and this will make it feel awkard and friendship problem arises.

The atmosphere in our group is getting more awkward and more complicated......

Love Peanut

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