Monday, June 28, 2010

In this few hours
I've been on Baidu (
and then I came across
explanation time!
this 吧 thingy is like a forum page
so you can post topics and comment
or polls and stuff like that
that's what forum's are
for the chinese entertatinment fanatics
we use forum style
to discuss about our....idols
so I went to Jaki's吧
and when to look around
and was looking at the topics
and wanted so badly to comment
and give my support to him
so I sign up
and started commenting
and I realise that there is so much
fans(希米露) like me out there
explanation time 2
in the chinese entertainment
every fanatic for evey idol
has their very own personal name
and for Jaki's fans
we are called 希米露
don't think i will open a explanation 3 about the meaning of the name
will do that soon
so i started commenting
giving him my support
and then I heard that we need more people
to boost his popularity (I had to search the english word of the chinese word LOL)
like do the polls and
comment more
and there's this webpage
that I hope everyone out there
can help out
to support Jaki
I'm doing it every 20 min
gotta do it NOW! (DONE!)
and here's the Baidu on
and this is the overall Super Boy 吧

hope you guys may help support him too


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