Saturday, December 26, 2009


still have this headache
feels like i have a fever
it goes on and off
really weird
today wasn't any stay at home day
it laster for 3 hours and i'm out of home
when out with bro and his gf
we went to Sunway Pyramid and had a sushi feast
it's those rotation ones where you pick which sushi you want to eat
you can also order them if they're not on the rotation thing
so after that we when walking around the complex till like 5
and when across the road to have another feast
steamboat this time
we wanted to ask my cousin to join us but he couldn't make it
bad luck
we ate so much that....OMG i couldn't walk much
I am still so full!!!
then we went over to my bro gf's family place
it was nice to meet them
nice people ^^
so that was my whole day in short
funny conversations in between! LOL
we're planning to watch a movie tomorrow night
I think we are watching alvin and the chipmunks part 2
hope we get tickets
buying them tomorrow morning!


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