Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

Didn't post yesterday
too tired!
came home and just wanted to go to bed
nothing much happened yesterday
just when and saw my aunt's new home
i like it
3 bedroom, a kitchen, a living, a balcony, 2 bathroom
it's an apartment unit
on the 12 floor
well it's just right for the 3 of them
today (or yesterday) is christmas eve
woke up with massive headache
and a really weird i mean REALLY WEIRD dream
thinking about it makes me shiver
didn't feel well
until now i'm having a headache
well better type this faster and go to bed
so later in the evening
i went to get a haircut
layered the front and i like it
i always wanted to layer my hair
but because in the past i do ballet
and have to tie it in a bun
it will be difficult if i layer my hair
so now i've stop i can do anything with it
well not anything
school doesn't allow extreme hairstyles!
later we rush home in the traffic and pick up dad and my grandparents for dinner at my other aunt (dad's side) place
had noodles and fried rice! it was alright!
didn't had much apetite though
so we left at aroung 9ish
when home...took a bath and wait for my uncle to fetch us out for late night coffee
since it's christmas eve!
so that was it back now
well i actually left alot of detail out
well nobody notice my new haircut
not even one *sigh*
oh's not that obvious i guess
plus as if somewone would notice it....
i better go to bed...*yawn*


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