Monday, December 21, 2009


I'm in Malaysia now ;)
Read your new blog entry bec!
seems like you're having fun!
Don't worry about me
Malaysia will cheer me up!
and i'll be as happy as ever when i start 2010
A Mac for Christmas...sounds good
i got a camera! hehe!
anyway! today's the first day back from Malaysia
going to blog everyday over the time here! woke up and when over to my grandma's place
chat abit and ate lunch there
we bought takeaway and ate together ^^ YUM!
then when home and now typing this blog entry
waiting till 8 for a family dinner! :)
Well tomorrow is a important chinese festival
but we are celebrating it today with grandma (mum's side)
and celebrating with my other grandma (dad's side) tomorrow
Cause in traditional chinese festivals - all of them
if you're a married female you must go back to your husband's home to do whatever needed
you can't go back to your original home
well i don't know if you get me but chinese will know what i mean
on this festival we eat a flour made ball which we boil with water (added sugar) and eat it
because a ball is round and round in chinese = being together
so this festivals brings all the family together
and after this festival you are another year older
seems complicated?
that's ok! lol!
well this is just some culture stuff
but anyway i'm just excited i'm seeing SOME of my family members tonight!

BY Peanut

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