Friday, December 18, 2009

Cousin's 21st

Back from my cousin's 21st
it was so awkward!
I mean....this is actually the first time i saw him (and his brother) face to face
well i seen both of them before
but it was just like a glance and in photos
I haven't met them till last month...
it's like my long lost cousins
Ok...i don't know if they're my cousins
WAIT! that's wrong
i mean i don't know if i'm suppose to call them as my cousins
ok...they're my dad's cousin's sons
so does that count as my cousins?
this is so complicated!
even mum and dad wasn't sure about it
when we arrive, there was so many people
which wasn't what i expected
but i should had expect it cause they are very sociable people
the food was nice (REALLY FULL!!)
however the atmosphere was a bit awkward...
i know no one there and at that time i feel like going home...
home as in Malaysia with my family
I want that atmosphere where everyone there knows you and talks to you
I want it so badly and miss it so badly
but i'm going to have that soon! in a few days time! YAY!
I'm home sick
I'm always closer tomy mum's side of the family
bit distance to some of dads'
but I can still manage it...i guess
I hope i could celebrate my 21st or even 18th with all my family members
but mum said she still has work over that period and we can't leave Melbourne
she said it can only be a belated...
oh well...better than nothing

BY Peanut

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