Tuesday, December 22, 2009

No luck today!

hmm...well i just ended a game of mahjong...(as in real type of mahjong/3 players)
adn i freaking lost like about...Rm60+
not happy
well i was playing with my grandma and my great aunt
I have to keep playing even though they told me to stop
well...they are old people
I don't want them to stop having fun
I was winning straight for the first few rounds...but then it got worse
and i lost everything
and both of them were playing against each other
while i'm just sitting there letting them win....
at the end of the game
I told mum to give them back their money
as in clear the money i own them
and of course i knew it was approx. RM30 each
because each round was like minimun of $5
and it was like 15 rounds of RM5
but they didn't want to accept it
i was like (thinking in my heart)
"don't lie...as in you don't want the money"
It's just that I can't socialise with old people much
i can...but if they make me feel down i feel abit irritated
well most young people do
my grandma is a person who is arrogant and goes her own way
even my grandpa can't influence her
well...to be honest
she is the main reason why the hole is still a hole
grandpa is getting lenient on this hole
but grnadma is still freaking arrogant
and i can't stand it
But i love her....well not like really crazy about her
it's just that mum can't live without her
grandma can't look at things in a different way
no matter how much we say how much we tell her
she still looks at the situation her own way
eventhough she knows she is in the wrong
she can argue back
like we say in chinese
she can make the dead alive
she can make something wrong become right
it's just...i don't know
she gets angry on small little stuff
i can understand her that she wants love from her children
but she needs to understand too that
her children has family too
they have to go to work, earn money to feed their family
you will be smilling when they have time to see you
grandma just wants her children to...you know
be with her, call her, visit her, give her money...
well she can argue that they don't give her that much money
so what? you don't need that much from each children
you have 7 kids
a hundred each will be 700
700 for both grandma and grandpa is totally enough for a month for 2 people
and she still say its too little
she expects 1000 from each children
grandma....please think deeply
they still have their family to feed
they have to pay bills
they have to do other stuff
1400 is totally enough!
I am glad with that amount
maybe its just that my grandparents think differently
my other grandma doesn't expect money from us
as in she does expect but not that much....
I don't know
i don't think she will understand....
ok she will but in a different way to the modern society

BY Pearly

P.S *sigh* i think i was too over about what i just wrote....but that was what i was thinking when i was facing her for the past 2 hours....sorry

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