Saturday, December 12, 2009


Have i told you about the reunion that our year 6 class is having?
i know i haven't ^^
My ex-classmates planned it and i was inform over fb a month ago
and they planned it on the 19th this month
I'm going back to malaysia on the 20th
I have mix feelings about the date they plan
first I won't be able to attend which i'm not happy about
but another part of me says that its a relieve i couldn't attend
this is because i haven't seen some of them for ages and it will be so awkward and stuff
and some other reason...*hint hint*
it will be so embarasing!
but now one of them...(the main important one that can make decisions! lol)
says he can't make it on the 19th and want to change the date to a different one
and he puts that me, nicole and suet peng (other classmates)
can't make it on that day too
mix feelings again...
happy that i could go
but not really that happy that i couldn't....
ok...i'm happy that i can go, maybe can go.....and i'm freaking myself out after hearing that someone suggested to change dates
what am i going to where?
where are we going to go?
will they remember me? (one of them didn't! and i'm angry about that cause we were friends :(
i'm find with my close friends that i often met up with but not with the boys or other girls that i haven seen in ages
*sigh* what am i going to do....
it will be so embarrasing
PLUS!! i nearly forgot
they were saying that they are bringing their gf/bf to the reunion
i think they should stick to the date now....
maybe not if only they don't bring their partners....
maybe i should bring my cousin along since some of them know him
and i'll be superior!
AHAHAHA!....maybe not
HELP ME! freaking out here!

BY Peanut

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