Wednesday, February 17, 2010



Legal sac is over

i can relax for a day or so

and then i have to start doing work again :(

the sac was alright i guess

well there was some questions that didn't appear on it

that i prepare for

the means and reasons were the one i struggle

cause i didn't do much studying on those

especially on the means


first sac ever


however there are like 10 BILLION more waiting for me!

*mean glare*

school can go die now!

*shoot guns at school*

Just came back from dinner

with uncle steven and aunty sally

we had japanese food


well it wasn't really japanese food

as it was a sort of barbeque style

in the restaurant

on charcoal

it was fun

i always wanted to do that!


a preparation for our JAPAN trip

the food was


gi washed my hair before dinner

and no one

NO ONE told me we were going for a barbeque!

someone could have told me

now i washed my hair twice today!

- -"

not fun i tell you!

I'm so tired

I'm going to bed now!


By Pearly!

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