Monday, November 16, 2009


Why doesn't anyone want to talk to me?
lol...i'm not joking
anyone out there in the universe....
i guess everyone is asleep
or maybe its my problem
oh! i'm guessing i'm invinsible here
and everyone ignores me! HARHAR
very funny guys...
please don't ignore me...
*sigh* i think holidays make me few like this
or maybe it's SOMEONE'S fault here!
talk to me!

About the dream thing in the previous post
it is evidently a dream
a sweet dream though
but it will never happen again
unless it wants to appear again
and wants to tell me something...
maybe in the next few days it will come back again
but for now...
it's just in its other land....
giving it's sweetness to someone else
more important than me....
but i still love the dream
eventhough i'm sharing it with someone else...
nothing can change anything
will it can...
it must someday
cause it's a dream!

I know you guys won't get what i'm talking about
don't worry
that's my point
i don't want anybody to know the true meaning of this secret
except myself or maybe that someone....
but nope...
it's a secret
a not so sweet secret....

BY Peanut

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