Sunday, November 29, 2009

JAPAN here I come!

mum booked our tour to Japan next year and i'm happy about! REALLY HAPPY!
i wanted to go there for ages plus we're going in the sakura season!
it will be so pretty!
and it's spring!
no cold weather...much!
then we will be ging to Tokyo disneyland and universals studios!
THEMEPARKS! they always make me happy!
i think the whole trip is 7 days and 5 nights
why only 5 nights?!
i think we are spending a night in on the plane
night flight...
i'm ok with day but i do prefer day flights!
I can go shopping in Japan!
yay! but i'm not sure if we're having any free-and-easy days!
i need to get a camera before going to Japan
then i can take all the photos i want! hehe
well i could use my dsi but it will look weird!
lol! ^^
i'm LOLing and laughing everywhere on this post!
I'm so excited but i hope there is no last minute backing off or canceling
i would be shatter!
broken into pieces!
Cry and whine all day!

BY Peanut

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